Sunday, October 23, 2011

It's Ponder Time!

We were lucky enough to receive free tickets to the Vikings vs Packers game today which just happened to be the game in which Ponder made his starting debut as Quarterback! Awesome game to say the least (even though we didn't end with the win). We took Mason with us to the game and he seemed to really enjoy it... all the noise and bright lights kept him entertained the entire time! He even made his television debut thanks to this game. On our walk into the dome a reporter from Channel 4 WCCO came running up to us and said she needed to have Mason in her story. So I agreed and she did a short little interview with Mason and I which aired on the 10pm news tonight - Thankfully they didn't use much of what I said becuase I was worried that I was going to sound like an idiot. We recorded it so that we can show Colton and Mason tomorrow as it was way too late to let them stay awake!

And don't worry we didn't leave Colton home alone and forget that we have another child - he was at the lake for the weekend with his Grandma and Grandpa. He even won a costume contest while he was there - he went as the Big Bad Wolf and his campground girlfriend went as Little Red Riding Hood!

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