Friday, October 14, 2011

Mom - my tooth is really gone!

Well today was a quite the day for my little man. Here is the whole story. Almost 3 weeks ago Colton jumped off the monkey bars and hit his chin against his knee when he landed - he bit both sides of his tongue pretty badly and was complaining that his tooth hurt. Well 4 days later he was still complaining about that tooth so we took him to the dentist. They took some x-rays and sure enough he fractured one of his bottom front teeth below the gum line and it would need to be removed. The dentist referred us to an oral surgeon and last Friday we had the consultation appointment. It went good and the doctor assured us it would be a pretty easy tooth removal/extraction and that Colton should back to himself in no time. Trusting him we went ahead and scheduled his appointment!

So that brings us to today - the big day. We had been talking to Colton about it all week so he knew what to expect and he kept telling us not to worry because he was a tough boy. Frankie was the one to take him to his appointment as I am doing some training at work still and it is hard to miss an entire day! They got up early to bring Mason to daycare and then the two of them had breakfast together - Colton's choice and he picked McDonald's - go figure. After that they went to the grocery store so Colton could pick out some Popsicles and ice cream for after his "surgery". Then they were off to the appointment. Colton was being so good and was agreeing to let them do what they needed. But then things turned ugly. They gave him some laughing gas and then the first shot of Novocaine. They waited a bit and then tried to give him a second one and he got scared (duh, he is 5). The Doctor got annoyed and went out to the waiting room to get Frankie. Daddy was able to calm him down and Colton agreed to continue - what a trooper. The doctor came back in to try to give him the second shot of Novocaine but when Colton didn't open his mouth fast enough and wide enough the doctor once again got mad and said he wouldn't do it unless Colton was put under general anesthetics because he was cooperating (and we can't put under him general anesthetics unless we do it at the hospital due to his enlarged tonsils, but that is another story). So Daddy and Colton went home with all teeth in his mouth and nothing accomplished - CRAP!!

I arrived home shortly after they did as I had taken off a half day to spend with my little man while he was recovering. Looks like things didn't go quite as planned. I talked to a friend who referred us to The Oral Surgery Center right here in Cottage Grove, she said they are great with kids. So I figured I would give them a call and see if they would be able to see him. Of course I figured they would want a consultation appointment before they would do anything but I figured I was off already so might as well get that part done. The lady at the clinic was awesome - she said that the New Richmond, WI location had openings for consultations and could probably do the surgery today as well. I was excited and took the appointment. Now to convince Colton to go back to a dentist.... to my surprise it didn't take much at all. He said he was willing to go back and get this thing taken care of as long as it was a nice doctor this time.... so off we went, again what a trooper!

We got the Oral Surgery Center and they were amazing. We could not have asked for a better staff. They were so patient and understanding and they made Colton feel safe which was all he needed. They let me stay in the room with him the entire time which also eased some of his nervousness. They made a game out of the laughing gas which helped ease Colton quite a bit as well and they did both the Novocaine shots at the same time.... score. Once he was numb the doctor said he just wanted to tickle Colton's tooth - sounds innocent so Colton didn't disagree at all. Before we knew it the top part of the tooth was out... but wait the root is causing some issues. It is fused to the tooth next to it... shit, that sucks. After a quick talk with the doctor we agree that other tooth will have to come out as well. Colton did awesome the entire time. Done - two teeth out and he didn't even cry once. He did however get a little sick from the laughing gas and ended up throwing up everywhere shortly after they finished.... but once again the staff was so nice about it and the doctor even let Colton wear one of his scrub shirts home! I am telling you these people were amazing! Colton also got to pick several items from the prize bin for being so brave and he was sent home with a prescription.... A pint of Cold Stone French Vanilla Ice Cream with the label on it that said "Take 1 or 2 Tablespoons by mouth as needed until gone". I thought that was pretty cute! He also was sent home with both teeth in a fancy little tooth shaped container so he can put them under his pillow for the tooth fairy tonight... I bet she pays good for those things! Finally we were done and ready to go back home and put this long day behind us and the first thing he said when we got out to the car was "Mom, my tooth is really gone". He is too funny! He is doing awesome tonight, much better than I would be doing if I had just had two teeth extracted.

Of course I snapped a few pics on my phone while we were there, did you expect any less? It is sad that he had to lose his first tooth this way but at least he won't be in pain when he eats anymore. And we still get to look forward to his first loose tooth but after this ordeal I am okay it takes a year or two before that happens ;).


  1. Oh, poor kid, what an A**hole doctor! I'm glad everything worked out okay in the end. Tell him I can't wait to see his missing teeth and Uncle Freddie will teach him how to shoot water out of it ;)

  2. Colton is such a tough boy! Way to go, buddy! That other dentist sounded like an ass! Glad you didn't go back there...

  3. Oh man, what an ordeal for a little kid. It sounds like Colton is a trooper! So glad you found a decent dentist that actually cares about children that they work on.
