Tuesday, September 02, 2014

First Day of Third Grade

It is hard to believe that my little man is in 3rd Grade already, not sure how this happened so fast. He moved to a new hallway in the Elementary School (out of the little kids hallway), he has a locker this year and of course he has new teacher and lots of new classmates.  He was excited to start school again, not surprising at all being as he is a huge social butterfly.   He helped pack his lunch and pick out his afternoon snack and even agreed to let me take some pictures!  I am so proud of my Third Grader and I am very excited to see what this year holds for him and for me as his biggest fan cheering him along all the way.  Happy First Day of School Colton!


In case you need a reminder of how much he has changed here are pics from all of his first days - he is growing up way too fast I tell you!