Tuesday, June 19, 2007

He's 1 Already!

Well it is official my baby has turned 1! He turned one on Saturday and we had his birthday party on Sunday! We had his party at Heritage Park just down the street from our house and it turned out perfect. It was a nice hot day, but at least there was a breeze! We grilled burgers, had potato salad and lots of fruit! (My brother's graduation party was on Saturday so we just made double batches of everything). Colton had his own personal cake. And let me tell you I think he has eated enough frosting to last him until his 2nd birthday! At first he didn't know why we gave him a whole cake, but he quickly realized how good it tasted and it was a mess from there! It was a lot of fun. And of course he got lots of awesome presents. Our living room looks like a toy store! You can hardly see the couches in there! Hopefully we will be able to carpet our family room soon and then half of the toys can move down there. Especially the big ones, like his rocking horse, his bouncy car and his 6 foot tunnel! And you should see the garage! He has 4 ride on toys (thanks to awesome Woodbury Garage Sales), lots of dump trucks and diggers (thanks to a friend who has two boys that have gotten too old for them), two strollers, a pool and now a wagon! It is insane... we have no space anymore! Anyways, I have accepted that my baby is growing up! He has so much personallity now it is a lot of fun. Although I am thinking he may need a new little sibling soon.... but Frankie doesn't seem to agree yet so I think he may have to wait a while. For now I am just going to enjoy watching him learn to walk, learn to talk and just explore everything is sight!

Check out the Birthday Party Pictures:

1 comment:

  1. Those pictures are so cute! I love that you gave him his own cake to eat, my parents would have never let me do that!
