Saturday, June 21, 2008

Happy 2nd Birthday Colton!

I still can't believe it but Colton is 2 already! The past two years have gone by so fast it is almost scary! Anyway, we had a birthday party Monday night at our house and it turned out perfect. The weather was awesome and lots of people could make it! Colton got so much attention and even more presents... we are seriously going to need a bigger house soon just for all his toys. He is one spoiled little boy! Here is a link to a slide show full of pics from his party!

Other than his birthday party not too much exciting happening in our world. Frankie and I have both been putting in a lot of hours at work lately so we don't have a lot of free time during the week. And weekends have been full with Graduation Party's! But today Colton and I did get outside and enjoy some sun. We set up his new pool that he got for his birthday and he loved it! And then we set up his sprinkler water toy that shoots balls out and he thought it was the best thing ever.

Last night we were outside playing and we set up his T-ball set that he got for his birthday and he was out hitting some balls around. He is a future Minnesota Twin for sure. He was so good it actually surprised me, I thought he would miss or hit the tee a lot more than he did but he was quite good!


  1. Wow, he has gotten so big. I can't believe he is two. So when is the brother or sister coming? ;)

  2. Mandy (and Frank) I'm being TOTALLY serious! You have to figure out a way to send the video of the water toy to America's Funniest Video's! That is SOO CUTE! Makes you want to be a kid again!

  3. WOW! He is really good at hitting the ball! Freddie is ready to get him drafted now.
