Sunday, May 16, 2010

Time doesn't matter - I am alive!

Well I attempted my very first 5K this morning and to my surprise I finished!! Both my sisters, our friend Tanya and one of my sisters co-workers ran the race today as well! I decided to run the race about 2 months ago so I had plenty of time to train and prepare but guess how many times I went running prior to today - yup ZERO!! So I was not at all prepared for this. I was quite nervous this morning, thought I might just collapse mid race but I didn't need medical attention and I crossed the finish line unassisted and with a time that I am okay with - I finished in 41:20. Not a fast time by any means but I don't care. Congrats to both my sisters who finished before me - now I have something to work towards. I don't think I will be running another one in the next month or two but I am hoping to run another one in the fall (when it is cool again and I have done a little training)!! Anyways, race is complete and my legs are sore but there is no time for rest because we are planting our garden today. We start the seeds almost 2 months ago and they really need to be put in the garden because they are getting way to big to be in my bay window!


  1. Yay for not dying/collapsing! For not training at all you did awesome!

  2. Way to go Mandy!! That's awesome. Isn't that a great feeling of accomplishment?!

  3. way to go lady! Does it make you want to do another one? Those races were addicting to me when I was a runner. The important word in that last sentence is "was". congrats :)
