Saturday, January 26, 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday Mason!

Two years ago we were introducing our little man to world and now here we are celebrating with a talking, walking, loving, trouble causing machine!  The last two years went by so quickly and there has never been a dull moment.  Mason has developed into quite the little toddler.  He is full of life, loves to eat, loves to read and play with his trains, he loves Mickey Mouse and his blankie, he is still obsessed with his nuk (although that is about to come to an end) and he is always trying to do anything and everything that his big brother is doing!  His vocabulary has really exploded over the last couple weeks and has become quite a little copycat - time to really watch what we say in front of him! He still loves to snuggle specially before bedtime which is something this mama is gonna take advantage of for as long as I can.  He is a mommy's boy and I love it!  He is such a great kid and we can't wait to continue to watch him grow and watch his personality . 

Mason we love you lots, thanks for making our little family complete. Happy 2nd Birthday Little Man!


  1. Happy Birthday Mason! Where does the time go?

  2. Happy birthday to one adorable little boy!!

  3. Happy Birthday Sweet Mason! Seems like yesterday I was seeing you for the first time in the hospital. Hugs & Kisses from Auntie Melissa xoxo

  4. Happy Birthday Mason - Mandy he is too cute!
