Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Our Little Teletubbie! And he picked out the costume so I don't want to hear any smart comments!
All that hard work and candy can really wear you out!

Happy Halloween Everyone! I hope you had as much fun as we did. Colton was so much fun this year. We went to my parents neighborhood and walked around with my dad. Colton was such a trooper. He was running from house to house; as soon as they dropped the candy in his bucket he would wave goodbye and then take off for the next house. He did so good. Although I think he was happy to go to sleep tonight, he could hardly stay awake long enough to eat any of his candy. Anyways, Happy Halloween! (And I am still working on getting the pics from the Pumpkin Carving Party on here, maybe this weekend.. no promises!)


  1. Ok...First I have to say, that is the CUTIEST Little Teletubbie I have EVER seen! And I love the series of pictures! It really looks like you wiped him out! He must have had a BLAST! We had a record 6 trick-or-treaters at the peterson's on Halloween and 2 the night before (Because I whinned enough to my cousin to bring his little ones over lol). You'll have to check out the peterson blog someday to see my baby all grown up lol But sorry...she wouldn't dress up for me this year lol Love ya all, Anna

  2. You are so right!!! They do grow up too fast! But by the looks of all your pictures, all of you are enjoying the time and taking pictures to remember them! Kids are a blessing, and we were (are) truly blessed to have such healthy and wonderful kids! But what else WOULD we have lol

  3. He looks pooped out and that last picture! Glad you all had fun! Talk to you soon.
