Saturday, November 24, 2007

Family Fun

Happy Thanksgiving! We hope everyone had a great day, we sure did. We spent the day with Frankie's Mom and Nyle and my Mom and Dad and MaryBeth and Brad. It was a very relaxing day filled with great food and games! I think Thanksgiving is becoming my favorite holiday. And then last night we decided to put up the tree. Colton was such a big help, he helped string the lights, he attempted to put the star on, and him and daddy put the first ornaments on the tree. Actually the tree still only has 2 ornaments on it, we are going to finish trimming the tree tonight because it was getting pretty late last night. I still can't believe how fast the holiday season is going. I am glad I got a jump start on my shopping this year... I only have a few presents left to buy! Anyways, hope everyone is having a great holiday weekend.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

I wish weekends were longer!!

We had a really nice relaxing weekend this weekend. And after the last week we needed it. Let me give you an idea of our past week. We took Colton in last week because he had a really bad cough and we found out that he had Bronchitis but it was in the very early stages so we were lucky. And then Thursday evening he screamed for about an hour and we couldn't figure what was wrong until I stuck my finger in his mouth and found out that he got one is molars in on the bottom. So after a popiscle and some hugs we were better. Then on Friday night the exact same thing happened and he got the molar in on the other side on the bottom. NO FUN LET ME TELL YOU. Anyways, Saturday we decided to get out the house so Colton and I went to the MN zoo and we had a blast. He is starting to realize that there are animals in all the exhibits and he gets really excited when they come up to the glass to see him! It was so much fun. Saturday night Frankie, Angela and I decided to have a SAW marathon. We watched Saw I and Saw II and even though I had seen them both before they still scared the crap out of me. We still need to watch Saw III (even though we saw is in theaters last fall) and then once we are all caught and refreshed we can go the theater and see SAW 4! I don't know why we enjoy watching these movies.... I didn't sleep much Saturday night! Then Sunday we were all excited to watch to the Vikings, but the game was a complete embarrassement.. even Colton was upset... I think the picture explains it quite nicely!
So after the game we decided to head out and play in the leaves and it was a blast. Although after watching a game that bad anything would have been a great improvement! Colton was a little unsure about it at first but once I threw him in the pile a few times he thought it was alright! And the weather was perfect today, I wish this weather would last for a few days but it sounds like it is going to turn bitter cold in the next couple days.

Isn't he the cutest kid ever? Okay maybe I am partial!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

AP- All Day!

I just had to put this on here! After the game on Sunday I will say that Adrian Peterson is hands down the best player the Vikings have seen in a long time. We may be only 3-5 but with Adrian on our team there is no way I am going to miss a game. You never know what kind of record he is gonna break! And he is only 22 years old! Amazing. I hope he runs all over the Packers this weekend!