Saturday, July 17, 2010

It's only gonna get better!

Well as most of you know we are expecting again! I was only about a day late but I was not feeling good already and so I told Frankie to grab a pregnancy test while he was at the store, he of course wanted to know what kind and I said I really don't care, just don't get the ones that are $25 a piece! Well he came home with a two pack - which was $25 and I though that seemed expensive but didn't think much of it. The next morning I was gonna take a test only to find out he had bought Fertility Tests!! Oh well, I picked up test later that day and we found out that night that we were indeed pregnant!! We found out on the Thursday before Memorial weekend and didn't tell anyone until we went to the doctor and had it confirmed the following Tuesday. We still didn't want to tell everyone until we were through the first trimester but as you might know I become quite sick again so of course we had to tell some people, like our families and my work. This is how I spend my last 6 weeks.
5 Weeks 2 Days Pregnant- went to the Dr to confirm pregnancy
6 Weeks 2 Days Pregnant- went to the Dr to receive IV Fluids and find out that I had already lost 10 pounds - scary to lose that much in a week
7 Weeks 5 Days Pregnant - Back to the Dr to receive IV Fluids and down another 6 pounds
9 Weeks 3 Days Pregnant - Back to the Dr for IV Fluids and down another 3 Pounds
10 Weeks 5 Day Pregnant - Back to the Dr for IV Fluids and down another 4 pounds

Today I am 12 weeks along, finally into the 2nd Trimester and really hoping things take a turn for the better soon. I am down 23 pounds since I found out I was pregnant which any other time I would be so happy about but it terrifies me that the baby isn't getting what it needs to develop with me so sick. My doctor assured me the baby is fine, I am taking the brunt of the abuse. I go the Doctor on Monday for my first regular OB appointment and I am really looking forward to hearing the baby's heartbeat, just a little assurance that everything is okay.

We are very excited to add another baby to our family. Colton is so excited to be a big brother, he asks almost daily if the baby is here yet. We also decided the baby needed a nickname so we weren't saying he or she all the time and Colton said the baby's name is "Bubblemaker" so that is what we are going with for now. Also I don't think we are gonna find out the sex of the baby this time around. This will be our last baby (I am not going through this again) and I think a surprise would be so much fun - but I said that last time and gave in so who knows if I will be able to hold out until Jan 30th to find out (which is my due date)! I think that is all I have to update for now, but I am sure there will be plenty of baby updates over the next 6 months as we prepare for our new little bundle of joy to arrive!!


  1. Man, you're not going to find out the sex either?! All of you girls love killing me with the suspense huh?! I'm really hoping you start to feel better soon, and I'm so excited to add another baby to the group!

  2. Yay yay yay yay yay!! Wow, you've lost 23 lbs - that's crazy! I really hope you start feeling better soon! It'd be nice to see you out and about feeling good. I will keep you in my thoughts and praying that your weight loss and sickness stops!!! Woot woot for another baby!

  3. So exciting, Mandy! I'm sure you're pumped to finally have the news out there. I hope you start feeling better in no time - sounds like the last 6 weeks have been rough on you.

    We are so thrilled for you guys! Looking forward to meeting little bubblemaker!

  4. Woooot! I don't know why, but seeing the positive pregnancy test just gives me chills. How dorky is that? SO EXCITED!

  5. ok, reading your facebook, it sounds like most are hoping/guessing for a little boy! I am going to break that mold and say...GO GIRL! When I was growing up I always wanted a 'big brother' and there is something about daddy's and their little girls! SO...GO GIRL! (I know Evie is with me on this one...well, I think lol) Love to the three (oops 4) of you!
