Saturday, December 18, 2010

Boy or Girl? What do you think?

Well I am 34 weeks along already, the last couple months have really seemed to fly by with the holidays and everything else to keep us distracted. The baby's room is completely ready, all the baby clothes are washed, and plenty of diapers are purchased so now we just play the waiting game. I am feeling great, although last night I may have experienced some Braxton Hicks Contractions for the first time or it was just some really crazy cramping that lasted for about 4 hours. After some rest and lots of water (thanks for the tip girls) I am feeling good again this morning. I have realized that I cannot be quite as active as I would like to anymore but that is okay too, only a few more weeks and this baby will be here. Which brings me to my next topic.... we would love to hear everyone's predictions! I will tally them up and post the results mid next week so leave a comment with what you think we are gonna have and when the baby will make his/her grand appearance. My actual due date is January 30th in case you have forgotton!
Here is what we need for your guess - Gender, Weight, Height and the Baby's Birthday.

In case you think a picture will help you with your guesses here is me at 34 Weeks (well one day early as Frankie took the picture last night).


  1. Tehehe, this is fun!
    Okay, Boy, January 23rd, 9 lbs 2 oz, 21 3/4 inches.
    What am I going to win ;)??

  2. Girl, Jan 11, 7lbs 10oz, 20 inches!

  3. Girl, Jan. 18, 8 lbs 3 oz, 21 inches

    I'm totally going to win ;)

  4. January 15th, Boy, 8 lbs, 6 oz, 22 inches! Healthy and happy!
