Monday, November 21, 2011

I love Coupons!

I think by now most of you know that my obsession with coupons might be a getting a little out of control! I must admit I like to shop but with tuition, daycare and sports for the boys we don't have a lot of "extra" money so if I want to shop then coupon clipping it is and now that I have gotten the hang of it I must admit I am addicted! I feel bad buying groceries without coupons or going shopping on a day that is not a "Double Coupon" day. Seriously I may need therapy soon. Well anyways this past Saturday I think I may have outdone myself. It was "double double days" at Rainbow foods so I read the ads to find what was on sale and found my corresponding coupons (I know this sounds really sad but finding great deals is like a high for me), I packed up Mason and off to the store we went. He has become my little shopping buddy... Colton on the other hand doesn't think coupon shopping is as exciting as it takes me forever sometimes to find the right items! Anyways, I found all my items and got in line to check out.... just for the record the lines are beyond nuts on double coupon day (especially before a big holiday). As I am waiting in line I start to get nervous... did I grab all the right items, do I have all my coupons, what if they won't let me double my coupons (The alfredo pasta was on sale for $1.99 and my coupon was for $1 off so if they double that I would get $2 off which is more that the price of the item - guess what it worked, they paid me a penny to take the item out of the store)... seriously like I said it is a high for me!

Checkout complete....

Total Items: 14

Total Price before in store deals and my coupons: $45.67

My Final Price: $15.67 (plus a coupon for a free gallon of milk for buying 6 Kelloggs items)

Seriously you cannot beat a deal like that! Ugg, makes me want to go home and set up my next shopping trip! You can make fun if you want - my family does - but I don't care I LOVE COUPONS and I am not afraid to admit it!

1 comment:

  1. You might need an intervention...hahah Just kidding! Good for you, way to save!
