Sunday, November 27, 2011

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree

We were debating whether or not to put up our tree this year being as Mason is crawling and we feared he would spend most of his free time trying to take it down, but in the end we knew we had to have a Christmas tree. I must admit I am so glad that we did... there is nothing better than sitting in a dark family room with our Christmas tree glowing in the corner reminding us of this wonderful season! Besides, where would Santa put all of our presents if we didn't have a tree? Colton was once again a huge help putting up the tree. Mason on the other hand took a 3 hour nap and missed all of the fun (which is probably why it went so smoothly)! We couldn't wait to take Mason downstairs and show him his first Christmas tree and see what his reaction was, well let me know tell you it was pretty disappointing! He looked at the tree for about a minute and then he was off to his toys and never looked back at the giant green thing in the corner. I guess this isn't going to be as tough as we had predicted. Now that the tree is up we need to put up the rest of our Christmas decorations and then get some presents wrapped and placed under the tree... only 28 more days until Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Awwww the tree looks beautious! And your boys could not be any more adorable. Seriously, have you checked with Gerber to see if they're looking for any more baby spokesmodels? That little Mason is BEYOND perfection.
