Monday, February 06, 2012

Frankie's TV Debut

To Quote one of my youngest cousins (well second cousin), "Colton's Dad is a Movie Star"!

That's right, Frankie made his television debut this past Saturday morning.  He was on Kare 11 Saturday Morning with Belinda Jensen.  He was quite nervous on his way to the taping but once he got into their kitchen he did what comes natural to him... Cooking!!  The boys and I were cuddled up on the couch waiting for Daddy to be on TV and soon as his segment started Mason yelled out "Daddy" and then just starred at the TV with a confused look on his face.  Colton was just as excited to see his daddy on TV, however he had already waited an entire hour for Daddy as we started watching at 8am to make sure we didn't miss it and so by 9am he was ready to be done with the news (he really hates when we watch the news and I had just made it watch it for an hour)!  Anways, here is a link the video clip via  Feel free to leave a comment for my Celebrity Husband, I will be sure he reads them!


  1. He was GREAT! Did he get the message Isaac left him on his cell? He thought it was so cool Uncle Frankie was a "cooker" on TV.

  2. I don't know, he never said anything about it! I will have to ask him... Isaac is just too cute. Maybe when we are on the island Frankie and boys can do a little cooking together!
