Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Helicopter Egg Drop and Hospital Stay... what a weekend!

I apologize in advance for how lengthy this post is... I just started writing and it didn't seem to end!  Anyways, Saturday morning I took the boys to a Helicopter Egg Drop and it was a blast.  It was cold and drizzled on and off but we still had a great time and we even met the Easter Bunny while we were there.  Colton was so excited to run and collect eggs but as soon as they allowed the kids onto the field I noticed he was running past all kinds of eggs.... yup my little weirdo was only collecting red eggs, go figure!  He collected his 10 in no time and we headed back to the Baby field to find Mason and Uncle Brad.  Mason wasn't as quick to collect his 10 eggs... he only had about 3 in the bag when we got there but he quickly caught up and was picking them up and dropping them into the bag like an old pro!  Like I said the boys had a blast.  Here are a few pictures from the event.

 Shortly after the egg drop I started to have some back and abdominal pain (similar to what I had been having Friday evening and overnight Friday night).  I decided it was time to go to Urgent Care to figure out what was causing my pain!  Frankie came home from work to take me, my mom kept the boys, and off we went to the clinic.  I checked in around 2pm.  They decided to do some lab work and when that didn't really give any answers they sent me for chest xrays... again not much for answers.  By now I had been at the clinic for 2 hours and my anxiety was starting to sky rocket.  The doctor said he was suspecting blood clots and suggested I head over the ER to have a D-Dimer test.  Seriously, PANIC set in at this point.  I am way too young for blood clots and that is scary to even think about dealing with, SHIT!  So Frankie took me immediately to the ER at Woodwinds Hospital.  I got into a room and explained what had been going on and what tests had been ran at the Urgent Care.  The ER Doctor agreed that blood clots could be the problem (although she didn't seem convinced that it was the correct cause) so she ordered a D-Dimer test.  I seriously couldn't even think straight at this point.  Well that test came back negative.... Thank God.   So now what?    Well I guess an EKG was in order to make sure by heart was okay and yes I passed with flying colors.  The doctor reviewed my labs from the clinic and realized my liver enzymes were above normal so she decided the next thing to do was a CT Scan of my abdomen to see if that gave any clues and placed the order.  I was wheeled down and up on the table getting ready for my scan when the doctor called and said she changed her mind... she decided an ultrasound would be a better route.  I was moved again and Ultrasound completed.... by this time I was getting tired (it was 7:00pm) and I just wanted some answers.  I was moved back to room and the wait continued.  Around 7:30 the doctor came back and said she didn't have any concrete answers but was thinking Hepatitis.  She said she was going to release me as the pain was pretty manageable and I would just need to follow up with my doctor on Monday morning.  So after 5.5 hours I didn't really have any answers but all the scary things were ruled out and I could go back home to my boys, relief.   Then she came back.... she had a change of heart and decided that I should be admitted and monitored.  I pretty much burst into tears.  I just wanted to go home.  After collecting myself I agreed that if she thought it was best I would stay.  She left to get the order in and get a room ready for me.... and then Frankie dropped the bomb.  He asked "So about the Easter Baskets?".  Crap I had pretty much forgotten that the next day was Easter... who was going to color eggs with the boys, who was going to play Easter bunny, who was going to take pictures of my boys with their baskets, who was going to get them all dressed up in their Easter outfits that I have purchased just a few days earlier?  I again burst into tears.  I explained it all to Frankie and off he went to get things together and head to my parents to color eggs with the boys and explain everything to Grandma and Grandpa.  He then came back to the hospital to spend some time with me before I finally decided I should get some sleep around midnight.  I was woken up at 5am for more labs and of course to check my vitals.  I feel back asleep shortly after and slept until 8am.  Sunday morning while everyone else was at home with their families I was sitting in a hospital bed wondering what the day would bring and when I would actually get to meet with a GI doctor and get some answers.  I met with so many doctors on Sunday... all of who seemed puzzled and all of who had different ideas of what to do with me.   Some wanted to run more tests, others wanted to send me home and see what happened (by Sunday morning the pain was completely gone).   It was about 4pm before they finally landed on this:  It was probably a stone stuck in my bile duct (dammit, didn't think that could still happen being as I had my Gall Bladder removed 5 years ago, but news flash it can) and they figured that I probably passed it on my own which is why the pain has now subsided.  My labs showed that my liver enzymes were slowing dropping so that was a good thing but they recommended I call my doctor Monday morning and set up a follow up lab appointment just to make sure that they return to normal.  I didn't really care what answer they came up with... I just wanted to go see my boys and I got my wish.  By about 5:30 I was back with my boys and HAPPY.   I did miss all of the Easter day festivities but others took pictures for me so that I could see the excitement in the eyes of my boys and at least!!


  1. Awww Mandy. What a horrible bummer of an Easter you had. So glad it doesn't appear to have been anything bad. Ugh. How stressful. :(

    Love your pictures by the way, especially the ones from the egg drop, amazing what a difference an awesome camera makes!

  2. Thanks Alicia... I love my new camera however I still have no idea how to use the thing. Up next - a DSL Training Class so I can learn how to use it properly! You should buy a camera and then take the class with me :)

  3. The egg drop looks so cool! Maybe we can join you next year :)
    So glad your feeling better and that it was nothing serious, that is very scary. Glad to see your family could step in so the boys could have a fun easter even if their Mommy couldn't.
    PS.I blame you for Isaac & Jaxxy's new addiction for Scooby-Doo! That's all they want to watch now :)

  4. Sorry, I don't know where the Scooby obsession came from but he is hooked... although it seems like he wakes up a lot more during the night now too becuase he got scared so we are trying to scale back on Scooby and go back to Jake and the Neverland Pirates!

  5. Oh Mandy, that sounds awful, but I'm so glad to hear it wasn't something serious!! What a bummer about the timing with Easter, but how wonderful that your awesome family is close by to take over the activities.

    P.S. I am seriously thinking of buying a DSL camera, if I can bring myself to paying that much for one, so I might have to join you in a class!

  6. Oh Lisa, do it! The money is what made me wait for so long but now that I have it I am in LOVE with it. We bought the bundle at Sam's Club - came with camera, lens, second lens (which is my fav), sd card, carrying case and then all the books and cd tuturial information! It was quite a savings to buy the bundle. We of course bought a UV Lens Filter so that the lens would be protected but that was the only expense we have spent outside the bundle (so far)!! I say get one and then we can go to the class and look completly lost together!!

  7. That sucks about missing Easter and having such a scary health concern. Yikes. Glad everything turned out ok
