Thursday, March 21, 2013

Feeding Frenzy!

One of our favorite things to do on the island is feed the birds!  These birds are crazy and I swear they have some secret call to each other because once one realizes you have food the rest of the birds on the island show up shortly after.   Well this feeding we had some bread, left over french fries and lots of fish pieces (left over from cleaning on those fish Frankie caught a few days ago)!  We headed down to the beach and the feeding frenzy started.  The boys were having a blast feeding the birds and I was enjoying snapping as many pictures as I could!  Here are just a few of my favorites!

 Everything was going great until all of a sudden I felt something hit me on the back of the neck... something very warm!  Shit, yes that is right I was crapped on by one of the birds!  I almost died and of course I ask my mother in law and husband to help me and they are laughing so hard they were of little help and then my mother in law grabs my camera from my hand and decides we should get a picture of it before she wipes it off for me!  Seriously, so disgusting!

Just because I don't want to end this post with me being pooped on.... here are few pictures from our walks earlier in the day!  I love my little family.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Roll Tide Roll

Frankie, Colton and I decided to spend some time playing in the giant waves while Mason was napping!  The water is still freezing (thanks to this never ending winter) but that didn't stop us from jumping in.  The waves were huge yesterday evening and made even standing in the water quite challenge at times.  Colton was swallowed up big waves time after time and loved every minute of it.  Frankie was even knocked down by a wave that came in and was taller than him.  Playing in waves this big was quite the work out.... we had to take turns resting up on shore!  It was a great way to spend our evening, we are hoping we can play in the waves one more time before we head home but the weather might have different plans!  We are having a blast on vacation, only two days left on the island and we plan to make the most of them.

Here Fishy Fishy!

Frankie and my dad went out on a guided fishing trip and they came back with quite the boat load of fish!  They caught about 60 fish on their 8 hour trip.  They caught Sheephead, Blue Fish, Spade Fish, Flouder, Pompanos, Red Fish and Pig Fish.  We enjoyed an awesome fresh fish dinner that night!  Frankie made me go to the Captain's house and take some pictures before they started cleaning the fish - I was must admit I was quite impressed by the pile of fish!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Boogie Boarding Babes!

We finally decided to ride the waves today!  Colton has been asking for this since the day we arrived on the island but it has been kinda chilly, the waves were too calm or Frankie was out deep sea fishing and I knew I couldn't take both boys into the waves by myself (and I couldn't convince the Grandma's to go swimming)!  Well today we decided to get the boogie boards out and have a little fun!  The water is quite cold still but that didn't stop Colton (it did however slow down Frankie a little but after some encouraging from Colton he did get in the water)!  Colton has become quite the master on the boogie board and he has no hear of the huge waves (even if they do just plow him over time after time)!!  And Mason has to do everything that his big brother does so he tried his hand at boogie boarding too.... although he thought standing on the boogie board was a lot more fun!  We had a blast playing in the waves today and hope to do it a few more times before we leave the island.  This two week vacation is already half over, it just goes by way too fast!

 Can you see Colton is that picture?! The waves were crazy today!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Let's go Fishing!

We always seem to spend quite a bit of time fishing while on our beach vacation and this one has been no different!  Our first day on the beach fishing Frankie caught a big one.  It took him about 20 minutes to bring the big one up on shore and then we realized it wasn't even something we could eat... it was a Stingray (a giant one)!!  We did catch some small whiting on the beach that day too but nothing big enough worth keeping.  What was really fun were the Heron that were hanging out around us on the beach while we were fishing.  They were waiting and hoping we would through them some of our bait which we did every now and then and we even tossed them a couple of our small catches... it was awesome to be able to feed such a big bird so close up! The next day we went out on a fishing trip with a guide.... and about 5 minutes into the trip his motor stopped working which put a quick end to deep sea fishing.  We did still fish for a while close to the docks and caught a couple red fish, sheep-head, a black drum fish and a flounder.  Frankie and my dad went out on another 8 hour trip the following day and brought home some more red fish and a sheep-head.  Finally we had enough fish for a fish fry dinner and it was oh so yummy, nothing beats fresh fish!