Friday, July 19, 2013

A Decade Later.... and here we are!

Ten years ago today Frankie and I closed on our first home!  We were young, excited, scared and full of ideas on what we were going to do with this new property of ours.  The house was a 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom rambler built in the late 1960's with extremely drafty windows, crappy siding, a roof that needed to be replaced, a little window air conditioner and outdated furnace and an interior that needed some serious attention. It was in a quiet neighborhood close to our parents and in our price range (and with the market the way it was we didn't have a lot to pick from)!  Over the past decade we have put in a lot of time, energy and money as well endured many remodeling messes and arguments but we are so happy with the home we have created.  Our home is now a 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom house with new siding, windows, roof, insulation in the attic, a fully remodel family room, a fully remodeled kitchen, central air and energy efficient furnace and still sits in a quiet neighborhood close to our parents.  This was the home we lived in when after we got married, this was the home that we brought the boys home to for the first time, this is the home that has held many birthday parties, Christmas mornings, late night snuggles cause of sick kids or nightmares and most of all this is the house that holds a million memories of our us starting our life together.  We are starting to talk about selling this house and "upgrading" to something newer, bigger, more updated and then I think about how hard it will be to leave this first home of ours. 
We made quite the change to this house and it only took 10 years ;)
This is not the most updated picture as we have since updated the concrete drive to go all the way to the house and got gotten rid of that little garden and those stupid red bricks that run all the way along the driveway!  We could not have made the house the way it is today without the help of our family and friends!  I can't say Thank You enough to everyone who has helped us over the years with our endless home remodeling/updating projects and painting (something I really hate doing)!   We are happy to be done with the projects and we are spending our days enjoying our home now that we have it the way we dreamed it would be when we bought it 10 years ago!

1 comment:

  1. sigh - this makes me sad. There has been a lot of talk about finding something bigger for our family as well and I have such an attachment to our house. I feel your fears! I'm sure you'll find something tha is right for your guys though.
