Friday, February 21, 2014

My Little Hoopster

Another Season of Basketball is complete!  Colton really has come along way in this sport in the last year.  At the end of last season he could hardly dribble the ball without the other team stealing it, he never attempted a shot during a game and when on offense he made sure his defender know where he was at all times!  This year he greatly improved his ball handling skills, made many attempts at baskets during games and even made a couple (which I know doesn't sound like a big deal but when your team only makes about 15-20 baskets a game and your kid made two of them that is a pretty big deal) and he is starting to understand the concept of offensive, defense, rebounding and even some plays!  It was fun to watch him this year and at the same time very frustrating as he still got quite distracted some times and other times he appeared that he was in a whole different world when out on he court.  I am hoping the focus and drive will come as he grows older.  Either way we are so proud, he may not be the star of the team but he give his all and played his heart out and most importantly he said he had fun!  Here are some pictures of my little Hoopster this season!

1 comment:

  1. I just love watching little kids play sports. (Not that Colton is all that 'little' anymore!). But when they are starting to grasp the sport and the strategy, it's fun. Does his team do the practice drills at the beginning where they each get to try to shoot as many baskets as they can in 30 seconds, and those points add to their team's total for the game? I guess it gives each kid a chance with the ball.

    Great shots of him in action. :)
