Wednesday, October 08, 2014

This School House

There are some things from my childhood that will always hold a special place in my heart.  My grandparents of course played a big role in my childhood as they lived right next door for the first 12 years of my life.  We would ride our bikes across the field road that lead from our farm to theirs and we would hang out at their house playing pool or air hockey in the basement or playing on the piano or we would spend hours working in the garden with my Grandma.  Sometimes we would get there and they would be gone (crazy, they had lives besides hanging with us) so we would sneak in the house and raid my Grandpa's cookie drawer and then head back home... he always had an endless supply of frosted ginger snaps.  On rainy days we would hang out in the house playing with toys while my Grandma watched Jeopardy, The Price is Right or Wheel of Fortune - she loved her games shows.  

Well about two months ago my dad called to say that my Grandpa was finally moving off the farm after living there for 87 years.   Since my Grandma passed away just over a year ago my Grandpa has been living out on the farm by himself but he wasn't eating or taking good care of himself so it was time for him to leave the farm and move into an assisted living center.  I was kinda sad to think that we won't be making any more trips to the farm but knew that this was the best thing for my Grandpa. Then my dad said that the kids were going to all get together and go through the house and asked if there was anything that I wanted.  I immediately knew what I just had to have, the toys.  Not all of them but one in particular, The School House.  I remember playing with this school house for hours and hours when I was little and in the past couple years my boys have also played with this school house.  None of my cousins were interested in the toys so I was able to get them without a battle which made me so happy.  I couldn't wait to get it home and get it all cleaned up.  Now this toy was something that my aunt and uncle played with when they were little (they are only 10 years older than me) and then all of my cousins and so many of the great grand kids played with too.  For the number of hands that have touched this toy it is great condition.  I got it home, cleaned it up (it was filthy, only 30 years of kids fingerprints and dirt collected on it) and I set it up on my kitchen table for my boys!  They were so excited and I just sat back an watched them play with that same school house that entertained me for so many happy afternoons, I was honored to have this toy to keep as my own and my kids and maybe someday my grand kids to play with.  This school house is full of memories for me and will be cherished forever!


  1. Oh Mandy I loved this. Such. Wonderful memories and your childhood sounds idyllic. (I am a major sucker for the old school little people toys. My brother and I played with those like crazy when we were growing up.)

  2. Gosh this is so awesome! It gave me goosebumps, reading how your aunts and uncles played with it, then you, now your kids. I loved little people and have fond memories of them as well, though I doubt my parents have much of it left.

    So happy you were able to get this special item!
