Thursday, July 06, 2006

Colton's First Vacation

Well we went on our first vacation over the weekend. We went to my parents trailer out at the campground for 5 days. It was a lot of fun. Colton went on his first golf cart ride. He also got his first taste of fireworks, and they didn't bother him at all, he slept right through them every night! It was fun but we were glad to be back home too. It is a lot more work to go on vacation with a baby. We had to pack the bassinet, the stroller, about 100 diapers, plenty of blankets (he likes to spit on them), 10 changes of clothes, breast pump, bottles and of course Colton! Not to mention clothes for ourselves and of course fishing poles for Frankie!! But even though it was more work it was a great way to spend our first Holiday together.

Other than that not much is new. Colton went in for a check up yesterday and he now weighs 7 pounds 6 ounces. Yes he is our little pig, all he wants to do is eat and it shows with the weight gain! He is also spitting up a lot now, more than normal, so next Wednesday we are going to Childrens Hospital to have him checked for Reflux problems. But his doctor said he is probably just eating too much at a time so he throws it up. I will keep you posted on how the appointment goes, hopefully everything will be fine!

Well I think that is all I have to say! Take Care and try to stay cool with the hot weather that is in store for us over the next couple days.


  1. OMG! That is the cutest picture ever!!

  2. That does sound like a lot of work! Glad you had a good little vacation!

  3. He just keeps getting cuter and cuter!

  4. What a sweetie! Can't wait to see him!
