Monday, December 04, 2006

White Christmas

I saw White Christmas last night at the Ordway in St Paul. And it was amazing. I am still in awe over how amazing the dancing and singing was as well as the sets. It was unbelievable. The best part of the entire show was the end. Of course they end the show with the whole cast singing White Christmas, and before you know they had snow falling from the ceiling all the over the audience. It was amazing, of course it wasn't real snow if some of you were wondering, but it was the coolest thing I have seen in a long long time! If anyone was thinking of going, but decided not too becuase of money, I would say that it is totally worth the money. I have never been to a show like this and I can honestly say I am hooked. I wish I was rich so I could afford to go to more shows like this. I am really considering getting tickets to see Chicago if anyone would be interested. I believe the show comes here in February and stays until the beginning of April. If anyone is interested I will look into prices and availability.


  1. I reallllllllllly want to see White Christmas! I'm so jealous. I'd love to see Chicago! Let me know how much tickets are.

  2. I'd see Chicago with ya too! I might have to just buck up and spend the money on White Christmas, that is my all time favorite Christmas movie. Thanks for letting us know how it went!

  3. I really want to see Twelve Angry Men. I see it in the papers every Sunday and would love to go. Chicago would be cool too. I need to get out and do more cultural things.
