Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Water Fun!

This has been a very long week already and it is only Wednesday! The new job is going great, although I am still feeling quite overwhelmed and overloaded with information! I have been in Maple Grove for training all week and I will be there the rest of this week and 3 days next week! The drive sucks! It takes me about an hour and 15 minutes every morning to get there. But the training is very helpful so I guess it is worth the trip. Other than working we have been spending some time at the hotel swimming. Oh did I forget to mention that my parents are living in a hotel! Their house is in shambles! All the carpet downstairs is gone, the ceilings and walls are being tore down and it is just not possible for them to be living there right now. So they are staying in a hotel here in town, which is nice for us becuase we can go over there and go swimming when ever we want! Colton loves being in the pool, and after a long day of lectures and stand still traffic the pool is quite relaxing for me too. MaryBeth has moved in with us... we aren't sure how long she will be here yet, it depends how long it takes to get her room done! And even then she probably won't move back home becuase they will be working in the hallway and family room downstairs causing lots of dust! And one more thing, the Vikings won on Sunday!


  1. Goodness...I hope your parents are remodeling and not cleaning up from storm damage...never the less...ENJOY the hotel! And Training will end soon...keep your chin up!

  2. If you want to avoid traffic next week sometime, we could do dinner. You're in my next of the woods! Let me know if you're free.
