Sunday, February 17, 2008

Big Day in the Berberena Household!

Well we have had a very interesting weekend. Saturday morning I put Colton in his crib so I could shower... I figure this is the safest place and I give him books so usually he is okay with it. Well yesterday he got out!! Yes the little escape artist got out of his crib. So today we spent the morning converting his crib into a toddler bed and making sure there is nothing dangerous in his room in case he gets out of his crib and decides to explore. We went this afternoon to buy a guard rail for his bed just becuase he tosses and turns so much when we sleeps I was afraid he would roll right out! So tonight will be the true challenge. Will he sleep in his new bed? We have been talking about it all day and about an hour ago he went and got his blankie and crawled up into his bed and layed down... but that only lasted a minute! Hopefully tonight it lasts much longer. I will keep you posted, and keep us in mind when you are getting a good night sleep tonight! I guess this just proves our baby is growing up! No more high chair, no more crib now if we can just get rid of the diapers!
We also got cool foam letters for the bath and he loves them! Actually he likes it when I stick them all up and he gets to rip them of the wall! Whatever entertains him I guess. And just in the past few days he started to smile when you ask him too! All you have to do is say " Show me your smiles" and this is what you get:
Cute huh, I am not sure why he squints his eyes but he does it everytime!


  1. LOL I have the EXACT picture of Courtney in the tub...with HER name spelled out too! She would have so many toys in the tub, you wouldn't be able to see the water! Best is, I have a video of her and the letters...all you see is a bare rump in the air with a "Q" stuck to it! OH HOW MUCH FUN WE'LL HAVE A GRADUATION! She'll KILL me

  2. i think i want to kill you already!! at my grad party you better be at least a LIL nice to me lol.
    oh and those pictures of colton are absolutely adorable he is SUCH
    a cutie patootie!! i can't wait to see him again he has gotten SOO big since i've seen him last!!

  3. Aww he is so cute! I love the picture of him in the tub...such a funny smile :)

  4. Good Luck! Let me know how it goes hopefully he'll only come visit you once or twice tonight. Ha Ha! I know I shouldn't laugh because it will be me soon but I can't help it so Ha Ha Ha!
