Friday, March 14, 2008

One of those weeks!

This week has been one of those weeks that just seems to never end. It has been a normal week but for some reason it just seems to drag on! Let's see on Monday Frankie started his new job. For those who don't know he accepted the job offer while we were on vacation! He is the new Executive Chef at the Science Musuem!! And so far he seems to be loving it. And the hours are awesome.. no more 15 hour days... he is usually home in time to eat dinner with the family (which is something that didn't happen a lot with the old job). Also on Monday Colton and I started swimming lessons!! We are in a toddler/parent class and he loves it. It is every Monday night for 8 weeks. We practice kicking and floating and we sing songs and play games... mostly it is just to get the kids comfortable with the water! And he is such a little fish! About half the toddlers in the class cried through most of the first session but not Colton. He was splashing and dunking his face in the water... and the last 5 minutes of class they get to jump in... that was his favorite part (he thinks he is such a big boy when he gets to jump in). So yeah to say the least Monday was a big day for us. Tuesday and Wednesday were late days at work... we were there until almost 6pm both nights. We have been putting in a lot of overtime lately.. but that paychecks are very nice so I don't mind! Then last night we actually got out of work early... so we grilled out and tried to enjoy the heat wave! The night was going great until Frankie checked our bank account and there was a $50 charge for Pizza in Kentucky!! So he called and sure enough someone had stolen our card number so we had to cancel his check card and hopefully there won't be anymore charges coming through. Being worried I was looking at our account a little closer and I found something funny. I went to Quiznoes on Wednesday to pick up Subs and for some reason they decided to charge me 6 times. So I have now paid $138 for 4 subs! I am still trying to get this problem sorted out becuase Quiznoes says they only have one record and only charged me once. So today at work I have made several phone calls trying to get back $110 that is rightfully mine.

I do have something positive to report from today: I won the Rising Star Award for February at work! This is what my co-worker said : Mandy has made incredible contributions with her increasing quality and productivity. She has also helped raise the overall team moral with her personality and dedication to the success of the team. She also personally motivates me with our friendly daily case count competition. Mandy is always willing to lend her knowledge of Lifecomm to ensure cases are completed by commission cutoff. It is always nice to be nominated let alone win.. so my day is going better. Also I get a $65 Visa Card for winning so I am going to buy myself something fun.. I am not sure what yet... although I really want the game Loaded Questions so I am sure that will be part of it!

Well I hope everyone else is having a great week and it's Friday so things have to get better from here on out!! Yeah for Weekends!! Gotta Smile:


  1. OH DEAR what a week! We had "kinda" the same thing happen, sorta. Went and put a huge deposit in on friday evening and waiting until Tuesday to pay morgage and another bill.....they didn't put the deposit in until AFTER they put the morgage and other one through.....Bill was NOT happy! But we did get the Over-draft charges reversed.....if we hadn't I would have paid for a 43 dollar Jimmy Johns Sandwich! There good, but not that good!

    Hope Frankie is enjoying the new job and the new time with the family! It's always hard when the hours are long, and all you really want to do is be home with the rest of your family!

    and DANG Colton is growing into a handsome little man! Hate to say it but he looks just like Frankie...and Frankie...don't let that go to your head!

    Love ya,

    OK Novel over

  2. boy my little man can smile cant he!!!!!!
