Saturday, November 15, 2008

Hello Fellow Readers!

Wow, I have had another busy week. But I am starting to feel like that is just life. Is everyone else as crazy busy too? I get excited when I have a day to just lay on the couch and watch Smurfs or Tom and Jerry... Colton's new favorite cartoons. Okay anyways, last Friday night I saw Radio City Christmas Spectacular. It was Amazing! I went with my mom, my sisters and my aunt. We had so much fun, I drove downtown because my sisters cannot drive and my mom shouldn't! She was pretty sure we were going to get hit by the light rail every time it passed us. At times she even threatened to get out and walk (expect that she had no idea where she was going). I don't think I stopped laughing the entire trip there (and it took over an hour due to traffic). And the show was so good, here are just a few pics:

We also decided it was time to take Sampson to vet. He has gained the reputation of the stinkiest dog ever and we started to feel bad. Actually I don't think he even knows his real name because lately he has been called "Stinky", "Big Stink", "Stinkster", "Oh My God Sampson", "Wow you stick get outside". We have given him several baths and he stinks again in two days. The final straw came when I was laying on the couch and he just walked by me and I had to get up and move to another room. So anyways, Frankie took him to the vet and several hundred dollars later he is all better. He had a severe infection in both ears and he was so jumpy about his ears that they actually had to put him under to properly clean them out. He is also taking several prescriptions... but it is all worth it because he doesn't stick anymore. Colton can again cuddle with his puppy without needing a bath immediately afterwards!
We took Colton to see his first movie on Monday night. We saw Madagascar 2.. great movie. Even Frankie and I really enjoyed the movie. Colton did pretty good, he got a little restless about half way through and had to stand for a while, but other than that he did great. And yes I took pictures, when we got in the theater we were the only ones in there and I just happened to have my camera with me (go figure). Well I think that is everything major for the past week. Today Colton and I are just going to lay around watching cartoons and listen to my brothers basketball game (they are 2-1 so far this year). Colton has a pretty bad cold and is running a slight fever so I think a day of rest is in order. And I just had to throw this last picture in because I thought it was too funny! Colton loves to help me clean.. and lately he wants to do all the vacuuming.


  1. ok, where to start
    1st ... Colton Auntie Anna has a REAL COOL vacuum you can come over and use ANYTIME YOU WANT! I bet I could even find a shop vac (sometimes the vacuum isn't enough)
    2nd... Mandy...You are so lucky! I have always loved the Rockettes! Bet it was wonderful!
    3rd...Isn't it fun doing things for the 1st time (like going to a movie!)and to be able to do it together makes it that much better! Frankie ...I can't believe how much Colton looks like you! It's kinda scary! (but then again, you know you were always a cutie)

    Love the pictures Mandy and keep that camera with you always! Love seeing them!

  2. Ohhhhhhh! I can't wait to take my boys to the movies! Colton looks like such a big boy sitting in the theatre with his popcorn & sippy cup. Don't even try to play the I just happened to have my camera card you know you planned that. Tee-Hee-Hee! I don't blame ya, I would do it to. You have to have to take pictures of everything when you got kids as cute as ours. :)
    Wasn't the Rockettes show good?! It was pretty funny running into you there in the bathroom of all places. Have a good week!

  3. Just thought I would drop you a line and say I updated, so it is your turn.
