Sunday, April 18, 2010

I love Spring!

Yesterday was such a beautiful day, makes me wish it was Spring year round! Today looks like it is going to be just the same, actually I woke up at 7am to Colton yelling "MOM time to wake up, the Sun is Shining". We still have a baby moniter in his room becuase our room is in the basement and we wouldn't hear him otherwise, and well when he yells the moniter magnifies it by about 10 so there is no way to sleep through it I tell you!! Anyways, yesterday we enjoyed the day by opening up all the windows in the house and doing some major spring cleaning! I am also attempting to get our laundry all caught up - although I did 6 loads yesterday and I still have a ways to go. We are getting our new carpet installed on Thursday so I need to have the laundry cleaned out so we can move everything from our bedroom in there. I am so excited to have new carpet in our room and to finally have the family room finished so we can start using it - this project has been going on for almost 6 years and I am more than thrilled to finally have it done! We took several breaks yesterday to do some shopping and get grocery's and we almost took a break for lunch. Colton wanted a picnic so that is what we did, nothing beats a picnic of ham sandwiches, juice boxes, chips and dip and of course fruit (which is really the only thing Colton wanted for his picinic lunch)!
We also had to tend to our garden yesterday. Our seeds starting popping up about 3 days after we planted them (and some are still just sprouting now). But 3 weeks later some of the seeds we planted are getting so big we had to transplant them into some bigger pots. We can't wait to get them into the garden but it is still a little early so for now we have plants all over the house.

One of Frankie's Co-workers also gave us a raspberry bush yesterday, Colton is so excited about this I can't even explain it to you. He loves Raspberries, I am sure he will be eating them as fast of them grow!
And if anyone was wondering how my attempt to kick Mt Dew out of my life it going... today is day number 14 without pop!! I still can't believe I have made it but I will admit it is starting to get easier, although I still really crave an ice cold pop every now and then but water and propel seem to be cutting the urges a little. And as an added bonus I have lost 6 pounds, that right there is enough incentive for me to never want a pop again. Now I just need to cut out some of the junk food and start exercising again. 5K is less than a month away and I am not ready at all.


  1. Yay for spring! And Yay for no Mt. Dew!! Congrats on the 6lb weight loss! That's awesome! Definitely makes me want to go without Mt. Dew now too!

  2. I have raspberries at my place too and I can't wait to eat them all up!
