Saturday, October 02, 2010

Baby Berberena

We had our ultrasound on Thursday! It was so awesome to see our baby moving around and to hear that everything looks great. The baby was sitting straight up and down with his/her face right behind my belly button so it has kinda hard to get good images of the face and pretty much impossible to see its feet as it was sitting on top of them and I am carrying very low!! So needless to say this one is already being difficult (no surprise there I guess). I was 22 weeks 4 days at my ultrasound appointment and the baby measured to be about 1 pound 7 ounces. Doesn't that seem crazy that they can figure that out already! Also per the measurements of the baby and its organs my due date is Jan 29th (only one day sooner than we have been thinking this entire time) so it looks like late Janaury is when this one will be making his/her arrival!! Otherwise I am feeling great, energy is slowly starting to come back to me as is the weight! I am still down 14 pounds from my initial 5 week check up but I am sure I will be gaining that back quickly! Okay here are some ultrasound pictures as well as my first belly picture (taken at 20 weeks). I plan to do a belly pic every 2 weeks - although I missed week 22 so I will be doing one tomorrow at 23 weeks!


  1. cute already! You and the baby ;)

  2. Good to hear your appointment went well. Thanks for sharing the pictures. So wonderful!
