Monday, January 10, 2011

37 Weeks

I was officially made it to 37 weeks yesterday, which means this baby is full term (well term to the point that they would not stop by labor). This is all new territory to me as Colton came at 36 weeks. I woke up this morning with contractions, nothing too organized but still enough to make me stay home and take it easy until my Dr Appt. At my appointment I found out I am 4 cm dialated and could very well be in labor. So now I am sitting at home with contractions still happening but nothing consistent enough to send me to the hospital. I am thinking it could be a long night/couple days at this rate. I am supposed to be working this week yet but this baby might have other plans for us. I have my hospital bag packed and ready to go and Colton is packed and ready to spend the night with Grandma and Grandpa if and when needed! I am getting very nervous at this point - I am afraid I will not know when I should head to the hospital but I am putting faith in my body to tell me what is going on. I will say I have the best Doctor - she called tonight at 8pm to make sure I was doing okay still and said to call her in the morning if I needed anything, she will make sure to get me right in. Well for now we just wait, could be hours, days or even weeks until we meet this little one....

* Update - I went to the Dr again this morning (37 Weeks 2 Days). I had contractions all last night so I wanted to see if we were making any progress and the answer is yes but slowly. I am not dialated to 5cm - so half way there!! Also starting to thin a little and my Doctor says she would be very surprised if we don't deliver in the next couple days. So for those of you whose guess is coming up you just might be right! I will try to keep everyone as updated as I can over the next week. Wish us luck!


  1. Good luck, Mandy! I hope your little one doesn't make you wait too long with those contractions :) Keep us posted!

  2. Woooot! 5 cm already. You are doing awesome Mandy. And just think, you're halfway there, and it hasn't been THAT bad yet. ;) You can totally do this.

    We always said 4-1-1. Contractions every 4 minutes, lasting for 1 minute each, for an hour straight, and you're ready for the hospital.

    If all of a sudden you're at contractions every 2 minutes, get your ass to the hospital. Cause yea, that was me within an hour of labor starting. ;) And you know how quickly that went.

  3. Thanks for the tips Alicia!! My parents are standing by to come to the house at any moement so we can go (I don't want to pack up Colton and bring him with if we dont have to)! Hopefully it won't take too long but who knows - I am going let me body do all the work and try not to think about it (easier said than done)!!

  4. OMG I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!
