Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Not enough hours in the day....

I realized I have been very absent with blogging this month, well this summer actually, and there is a good reason!  I need more time.  We are on the go all the time, trying to squeeze in everything fun activity and event we can while the weather is still nice and the days are long.   Now I am sure you are thinking, Yes we are all busy you are no different than the rest of us!  And you are right.  But to really convince you that my life is nuts right now let me let you into a week and half of my life starting last Friday.

Friday:  Work 7:00 - 1:00pm.  Left work, picked up kids from daycare and went home to finish packing and load the van to head to Duluth for a wedding.  We got out of town early to beat traffic and it worked, but 6pm we had eaten dinner and were lounging in the pool relaxing with my mother in law, brother in law and his family!  We put the kids to bed and then us adults headed to the bar for a few drinks and plenty of laughs!

Saturday:  Breakfast and more swimming in the morning.  Then it was time to head to Frankie's cousins wedding - which was beautiful and will get its own post someday!  We danced the night away and finally arrived back at the hotel around 11:30 - put the kids to bed and then enjoyed a little gambling in the casino.

Sunday: Breakfast and packed up and headed back home.  Arrived home, Frankie left for the work, the boys and I ate lunch and then brought Mason to Grandma's house.  Colton and spent the afternoon and evening at Valleyfair with my friend Angela.  We stayed until dark as Colton wanted to ride the roller coaster when it was all lit up!  By the time we picked up Mason and got home and in bed it was after 10pm.  No time for blogging... must sleep as the work week is once again here!

Monday:  Work 8 hours.  Get home and load up the van for a photo shoot at Minnehaha Falls for a Senior and a 1 yr old.   The photo shoot was so much fun but took most of my evening.  Arrived home in time to have bedtime snacks with my boys, clean up a little, enjoy some dinner and do a little editing on the pictures before bed!

Tuesday:  Work 8 hours.  Make quick stop at Sporting Goods store to get Colton some football cleats, pick boys up from daycare, rush home and make some dinner and then off to football practice from 5:45-7:45. Get back home, give boys baths and bedtime snacks and tuck them in then back to the kitchen to finally get to the dishes and another day complete.  Yes tonight I am finding time to blog but that is only because Frankie is still at work so I am staying awake until he gets home.

So do you see that there just hasn't been much time for blogging?!?!  Well I am just getting started.

Wednesday:   Work 8 hours.  Pick boys up from daycare, rush home to make to some dinner quick and be to the high school by 5:45 to line up for Team Football pictures... they are doing one giant group pictures with all Cottage Grove Football teams which will be made into a banner and will hang up on the stadium during all home Varsity home games.  6:15 - 7:00, our first Football Scrimmage Game. 7:15 - Colton's Team and individual football pictures.  Then it will be home, shower, snacks and to bed.

Thursday:  Pretty much a repeat of Tuesday- Work 8 hours.  Pick boys up from daycare, rush home and make some dinner and then off to football practice from 5:45-7:45. Get back home, give boys baths and bedtime snacks and tuck them in then back to the kitchen to finally get to the dishes and another day complete. 

Friday: Work 8 hours.   Then Newborn Photo shoot that evening.

Saturday: Family photo shoot in the morning at Minnehaha Falls.  Will spend afternoon hanging with my boys, then off to a friends house to take her daughters 6 month pictures that evening.

Sunday:  Senior Photo shoot in the morning.  At this point that is the only thing planned for Sunday so I will spend the afternoon and evening working on editing all those photos as well as getting caught up on my personal photos that have just been dumped on my computer but never sorted through or shared with anyone!

Monday:   I took the day off work so that we can go to the State Fair with my family which I am super excited about... I love the State Fair!  

And then I will be working 10 hours days the rest of the week to make up for taking Monday off.  We again have football practice for two hours on Tuesday and Thursday nights.  Wednesday night we have a BBQ with Frankie's Grandparents as they are in from Vegas and we really haven't had much time to spend with them.  Friday night or maybe early Saturday morning we will head to the late for the long holiday weekend (although no idea when I am going to get laundry done and get us packed to go to the lake)!

So I know there are no excuses but seriously I just don't have enough hours in the day/week to do everything (seriously we had to say to going to a Holiday Party and several other events as there is just not enough time to do everything) and well blogging is also one of the things that gets pushed to the back burner when life gets crazy!   I am hoping to get caught up in the near future as I have so many pictures from many fun summer adventures that I have not shared with everyone!  


  1. Holy cow woman, I am tired just reading about your week(s)! It sounds like you are doing quite a lot of photography, which is great, and I bet the extra pocket money is nice. You're going pro!

    Glad you can find time to blog here and there. I think you and I are the only ones that still do it, so don't leave me, k? Thanks.

    1. I will never give up my blog! I wish the others would do it more... helps me feel connected and caught up even if I dont see you guys for like 6 months (which I swear sometimes it feels like it has been that long)!! I am hoping to get back to blogging more again... I havent even gotten Girls Weekend on here and I feel that is one thing that just cannot be skipped.
