Monday, June 19, 2006


He has arrived. Colton Riley was born Friday morning at 5:08am. He weighed 6 pounds 12 ounces and is 19 inches long. Not too bad for being 3 weeks and 5 days early. He is doing great! The delivery went very well, it took me almost 20 hours to dialate to 10 cm but then it only took about 20 minutes of pushing and most of that was waiting for each contraction, it really only took 5 pushes. Not too bad if you ask me, and yes I did take pain medication, anyone who can do it without is a hero in my book. We are still working on the feedings, becuase he is early he is still trying to figure out how to suck real well, but he has already made huge improvements since Friday. We got to come home yesterday afternoon, which was perfect being it was Father's Day and all!

Our first night at home went great. We put him in his crib at midnight, and he slept until 4am! He was only up long enough for me to feed and change him and he was back sleeping until 7am this morning. If every night is like that I will be the luckiest person ever! Other than that not much else to tell you right now. We are at home enjoying our first days together (Frankie has a week off which is a blessing becuase I am still a little sore and can't move too fast sometimes!).

I am working on getting the pictures together and on here, hopefully tonight I will get them posted otherwise for sure by tomorrow. I will keep you all posted on how things are going and Thanks for all the good wishes in the past few weeks.


  1. Holy Crap!!

    LOL, not the most eloquent statement, but I was completely surprised when I came here and read that the baby was born! I am so happy for you guys! If you're feeling up to it this week, or next, maybe a few of us could come by and meet the little guy? I don't want to push it though, if you're not ready. I can't imagine what the first week with a babe is like at home!

    I'm so happy for you Mandy, congratulations and wish Frankie a happy fathers day for me!

  2. YAY!!!! Congratulations! :) I was very shocked to see this entry!! Whenever you feel up to having people over let me know! I can't wait to see him! :)


    After Frankie goes back to work, let me know if you need anything. I have class in Cottage Grove 3 days a week and I would love to bring lunch or something! Let me know!

  4. Wow! I guess I need to read blogs more often!! I was thinking about you on Friday. I was in MN for a wedding and I was going to call you and see if you wanted to grab lunch or something, but then I remembered you were on bedrest, but actually you were in labor! Crazy! Can't wait to see some pics!

  5. You have the cutest baby I have ever seen!! :)

    Andy and I agreed on 2 baby names tonight...Camden and Jaxon, but he still refuses to have babies anytime soon, he says we can in 3 years. Perhaps when he sees Colton he'll change his mind!! :)
