Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Summer is going by way too Fast!!

I love summertime but it seems like I never have a day to just sit on the couch and do nothing! I guess this is probably a good thing or I would be a 600 pound moose by now but there are some days when I wish I didn't have to get out of bed at all!! And it is August already, which means this summer is almost over.. where did it go so fast? I have been working some good overtime hours which is nice for the pocketbook but hard on the personal life, but the time I pick Colton up, get home and eat dinner... it is time for bed! No time for playing and that sucks! And then weekends are always busy. I have decided to skip going to the lake the last couple weekends just so I don't have to pack (again I am getting lazy). Last Saturday Colton and I spent the day with my cousin and his daughter. We packed a picnic and went over to their house and ate outside on the picnic table. Colton and Evie picked raspberries in the garden (which Colton loved, he was eating them by the handful). And then we went down to Afton Marina to go swimming for a while. We ended the afternoon with ice cream at Selma's. It was such a nice, easy going afternoon.. I wish everyday of my life could be like that! Okay enough complaining, I have it great who am I kidding, but somedays I wish I could I just win the lottery and never have to work again.

On a different note, Frankie and I have a new nephew. Jaxx was born on July 25th and he is perfect. He reminds me so much of Colton when he was a baby (although it seems like he was never that small). And I am honored that I get to be Jaxx's Godmother. He will be my first Godchild and I am so excited, just one more good reason to spoil him. I am trying to tell Frankie that Jaxx will need a playmate but he isn't quite agreeing to that just yet, which is okay because Colton is keeping us plenty busy.

Colton is talking like crazy now. His favorite lines are "What's That?" and "Look, Look, Look" he is very observant when we are in the car, he is always pointing out all the big trucks and construction vehicles that he sees!! He also says "Thank you Mama" whenever I hand him anything and it is the cutest thing ever, it just melts my heart everytime. Yes he has me wrapped around his finger... he is my momma's boy that is for sure.

Well I think that is it for now, I really should be studying for my test on Insurance Administration instead of playing on the computer but I needed a break for a while. The test is on the 19th and I am not even half way through the book (only 280 pages to go).

Raspberry Anyone??

Look Who Learned how to float!

My little Sponge Bob Square Pants Monster!!


  1. I love it. However I am still waiting, you need to start picking up that pace, because you know I can't exactly stop my. As far as the move, no news yet, but we are still praying. Love ya and miss ya lots. Keep working on that mission. :)

  2. I can't believe it's August either. I haven't been to Lake Elmo once! I'm so sad about this!! I hate being busy! And we still haven't done our happy hour and it's pretty much been a full year! What is wrong with us?!
