Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What a Beautiful Evening

It was way too nice outside to be indoors tonight! So after dinner Frankie and Colton went outside to mow the grass, Colton loves to help daddy mow. Colton also did some playing on his swingset and spent some time in his sand box. I sat on a chair taking pictures because I slipped a disc in my back again over the weekend so I can barely stand! I am hoping with several visits to my chiropractor I will be back to myself in no time. Here are some pics of our relaxing evening:


  1. CUTE PIC's love the last one! Hope you are feeling better soon! That bites having your back out!

  2. Cute Pic's! You can tell Frankie that coconuts are nothing compared to pictures of our kids on the toliet with a happy faces over their goods! :)
    Hope your back feels better soon!

  3. HA - that is very true! I will be sure to tell him. My back is slowly getting better, by next week I should be fine.

  4. OKay darling, I have put up another post that has a fe pictures and a video, so you can't get mad at me. I think I have caught you.
