Thursday, March 25, 2010

A Lynx and the Library all in one day!

This morning we went to the zoo and Colton had an experience with a Lynx that not many people are lucky enough to get to see. It was so much fun, we must have stood and watched the Lynx for at least 10 minutes. Here is a video to show you what I am talking about:

This afternoon Colton and I went to the Park Grove Library for the first time (well his first time, I went there back in High School). Colton now has his very own Library card and checked out his first 4 books - and I couldn't be more proud the first book he selected was "Llama Llama Misses Mama". We have several other Llama books at home which he loves and when he saw that one on the shelf he got very excited. He had so much fun picking out his books and he even layed down on the floor and read some books while we were there. We are hoping to make this Library trip a Thursday ritual. I have never been a person to pick up a book and just read for fun but I am hoping to change that with him!


  1. That's so funny! The animals on the MN Trail were very interactive today. The wolverine was jumping up at Jaxx, kinda freaky!

    Isaac was asking where Colton the rest of the day after we saw you. Any Thursday you want to get together let us know!

  2. That's so awesome that Colton has his very own library card. I was just thinking about going to storytime at the library with Gus tomorrow morning, but it's during his nap time, so I'm not sure if it's worth making an attempt... I HATE having to plan around naps!!!

  3. Yay for llama books! And I love the video! So funny!

  4. Alicia you should totally go to story time! That was actually why we went to the Library in the first place, I wanted to know when storytime was at our Library and of course it is Monday mornings at 10:30 so we won't be able to make it. I am gonna check some other local libraries and see if I can find a storytime on Thursday at one of them!

  5. That's a great idea, Mandy! I'll have to check when the Oakdale library has story time this summer. And as for reading yourself, let me know if you want some suggestions for books...I've been OBSESSED with reading now that I actually have time to do it!
