Thursday, May 23, 2013

Tiger Scout

Scout  Promise
On my honor I will do my best 
To do my duty to God and my country 
and to obey the Scout Law; 
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong, 
mentally awake, and morally straight.

Colton completed his first year of Cub Scouts and he loved every minute of it!  He was a Tiger Scout this year and as a Tiger he learned lots of new things and experienced some new places like the Behind the Scenes tour of the Library, Fire Station and Radio Station.  He also was able to volunteer in the community by cleaning up a local city park with his den and cleaning up wreaths at Fort Snelling with 750 other MN boys scouts (and their families).  He sold Popcorn and Wreaths and earned enough money to pay for his uniform and camps throughout the year (all the money earned from what he sells goes into his own personal account which he can use to pay for events or gear he needs throughout the year)!  He competed in his first Pinewood Derby Race and even advanced to Districts. He has learned what it means to be part of a pack and learned many of things that he will keep with him the rest of his life!  His first Blue and Gold Dinner which is a banquet to honor the scouts and all they do for the community! Last Thursday was the end of the year Troop Picnic and it was so much fun.  We had a Pot Luck BBQ, played some games including launching water balloons and candy from a catapult made by the boy scouts and of course end of year awards.  Colton completed all his achievements and earned his Tiger Badge which means when we start back up with Scouts in the Fall he will be a Wolf Scout.  Also I have decided to be in charge of wreath sales for our Troop next year and I will be the Wolf Den Leader for next year... wish me luck!!

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