Tuesday, September 03, 2013

First Day of Second Grade

Colton is officially a Second Grander!  I still can't believe how fast my baby is growing up, I remember when he was a baby and people would say enjoy every moment because he will be in school before you know it and here we are!  He is excited to be back in school however he doesn't understand why the school year is so long and summer is so short (he is a smart one)!  His first day went great, minus the fact that he forgot his teachers name as soon as he got to school and then got lost and couldn't find his classroom.  Thankfully a friend was there dropping off her daughter and she was able to help Colton figure out where he was supposed to be... crazy kid!  I am looking forward to watching Colton grow throughout the school year and hopefully watch him learn and explore and become an awesome reader as that is his weak spot right now.  We have already set a challenge for him too... if he gets 100% on a spelling test we get to go to Waterpark of America for a fun filled day!  Hoping that helps him to slow down and focus as he tends to rush through things and makes silly mistakes.   Here is to a great year in the second grade.  We love you Colton and are so proud of the little man that you have become!


  1. Okay...looking way too grown up for my liking! Can't believe he is a second grader already. Hope he had an awesome first day of school!

    1. Agreed Melissa, I have looked at these pictures a couple times and just can't believe how old he looks. He is not my baby anymore and I am not dealing with that reality very well. Sad Mama Right Here :(
