Monday, October 07, 2013

My Grandma

As I grieve the loss of my Grandma I am reliving all the amazing memories I have of her.  I grew up living right next door to my Grandma until I was 12 years old.  We both lived on farms and we had a road through the fields connecting the two farms.  My siblings and I road our bikes across that field road more times then we could count.  We loved to go to Grandma's to help in the garden, play with the cats/dogs, play the piano or pool in her basement and of course steal some of Grandpa's cookies.  Christmas was my Grandma's favorite holiday so every Christmas Eve the entire family would pile into that farm house and sing Christmas carols and open presents together.   As the years went by and my cousins and I started getting married and starting families of our own we quickly outgrew the space in the farmhouse but Grandma didn't let that stop us from holding giant Christmas get together, we just rented out the Fire Hall in town to hold our festivities.  My grandma loved to crochet and has made many blankets and potholders for us all to cherish for many years to come!  My Grandma also loved to play cards and for as long as I can remember she always played a game  (or two or three) of Ace to King with us grandkids at every Christmas get together.  We also taught her how to play Catch Phrase and that had become a tradition in the last 10 years.... one that always provided so many laughs!!!! 

Three weeks ago today I got "the call".  My Grandma had been diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer and it was very advanced.  This came as such a blow to me as she has been so active and healthy until this point.  My family immediately rallied around my Grandma.  That Sunday we all went out to the farm to spend the day with her.... pretty much doing a mini Christmas get together.  My Grandma was weak but was still up and moving around at that point.  That Tuesday she went to the Dr for a follow up and was told that she had about 4-6 weeks.  We knew we needed to make the most of our time we had left.  The next day Hospice came out to the farm and decided that due to her being so weak that a move to Nursing home in town would be the best thing for my Grandma. She agreed and Thursday she was moved in the Nursing home.  Later that day my Grandma told her Dr that she has 6 days left.  On Saturday, my boys and I along with my siblings headed back up north to spend the day with my Grandma.  We went through photo books and she told us who every person in each picture was.  Her mind was still sharp as ever.  She was tired and weak and it was hard to leave that day now knowing if she would make it to the following weekend so we could see her again.  On Wednesday, October 2nd my dad got a call that he better come up there as she was fading.  My dad and I immediately jumped in the car and made the two hour drive north, arriving at the nursing home around 8pm.  My Grandma was no longer interacting with anyone, she was resting and looked very peaceful.  We hung out for a while and then decided it was time to make the drive back home.  I drove my Grandpa back out to the farm as it was pretty late for him to be driving (and it was a rainy night).  My dad and I left the farm around 10:45 and received a call about 45 minutes later that my Grandma had passed away peacefully.  She passed away with 45 minutes remaining on the 6th day, I guess she knew when she was leaving this earth.  From the day we found out she had to cancer to the day I gave her my final hug and kiss was only 16 days.  It all happened so fast and really didn't have time to even sink in.  I have cried many many times throughout those 2 weeks and the days immediately following.  This was My Grandma, how would I survive without her?!   I spent many many hours working on a Tribute DVD full pictures of my Grandma and I know that the DVD is something I will always treasure.

Well today was the day we said our final goodbyes.  I didn't know how I would get through this day. I was not ready to lose My Grandma.  As we were sitting in church the Catholic Mass honoring My Grandma was coming to an end and all of a sudden Colton looked up at me and said " I want to see my Grandma".  I was puzzled and told him that he could move down the pew and sit by his Grandma (assuming he meant my mom) and then he said "No, My Great Grandma"  I started to cry,  I guess it took that long for me to realize that this amazing woman wasn't just My Grandma but she was "My Grandma" to my 25 cousins and the all of her great grandchildren as well.  She will be missed by so many but she will never be forgotten.   As the service ended I walked up to the front of church, I picked up my Grandma's Urn and started the long walk out of the church, I was honored to be her Urn Bearer as it meant I got to hold her close one more time and I did just that, held her tight as the tears rolled down my face.  I love you Grandma and your memory will live on forever!

My Grandma leaves behind a huge family... below is my Grandpa and all their kids (and spouses).  My Grandma and Grandpa had 10 children, 3 of whom are already in heaven.

We also took advantage of so many the cousins being in town from out of state and capture this picture of Grandpa and all his Grandchildren (and spouses) and all his Great Grandchildren - we were missing two cousins and 3 great grandchildren in this picture! I love having such a big crazy family.


  1. I am in tears. What a great post. I just love grandmas so much and know what you are going through. I too have a huge family and love it, and it was so hard to say goodbye when my grandparents all passed. Hugs to you, friend.

    Oh, and a grandma playing Catch Phrase?? AWESOME.

    1. Yes Lisa it was comical to play Catch Phase with my 80 year Grandma... she didnt know what half the phrases even meant! My cousins used to joke that I got her on my team cause my team never lost so they thought they had a better chance.. even with my Grandma on my team we always won!! Grandmas are very special and even though she is physically gone I know she is with me forever!

  2. Oh Mandy, this is heartbreaking, I can't believe how fast it all happened. I'm so sorry. Your family is just amazing, and I truly had NO IDEA you ever lived on a farm? Like for reals?! That's awesome.

    Beautiful tribute to a woman who was clearly loved by many. And your family is lucky to have you, I'm sure you made an AMAZING tribute video of photos. Hugs.

    1. Thanks for the hugs Alicia. I would like to say that every day gets easier but so far a day hasnt gone by that I don't cry for her. As for you never knowing that I grew up on a farm... how is that even possible! You girls would probably go into shock if you knew some of the things I did for fun growing up... like attaching a corn cob to the end of a long stick and then riding a pig around horseback while it tried to catch the cob that we were dangling out in front of it! Oh so many great stories from living on a farm ;)

  3. Mandy thanks for this beautiful post! What an amazing grandma she was! I'm so glad you have so many wonderful memories with her and that Colton and Mason were able to know her as well. Losing grandparents is SO HARD... lots of love and hugs to you and your family!

  4. You have me in tears Mandy! My grandpa passed at the end of January and I still miss and think about him every day. Be thankful that you had the relationship you had with her. NO one can ever take any of your memories of her away. Cherish them always!
    I live in my grandparents house and even though we have remodeled and changed things I can still remember all the times I spent in this house with them.
    I hope that the days are getting easier and with less tears.

  5. So sorry for you and your family's loss. What an amazing woman your Grandmother was, I see so much of her in you with that first picture. Hugs to you!

  6. I can only imagine how you felt when you heard the news. You’ve been very close to each other then and even shared wonderful memories when you were young. But then, the legacy she left will always be honored. Her leaving might have been like a whiplash, but at least she is now at peace.

    Marcia Sherman @ Comfort Keepers
