Monday, July 14, 2014


My sister has been challenging herself this year to give up one thing at a time for a month.  For the month of June she gave up TV (and she made it).  I knew that would never fly in our house.... sometimes the only way I get to shower alone is because I can turn on an episode of Paw Patrol or Jake and the Neverland Pirates.  For July my sister gave up junk food!  Seriously, no pop, candy, chips, ice cream, cake, brownies or S'mores... I don't even want to try that as it sounds like torture. 

So I started to think of ways I could simply my life by giving something up for a month.  I decided the one thing that consumes most of my free time and really does me no good is Facebook.  So two weeks ago I deleted the Facebook app off my phone and decided to give it up for the month of July.  Now most of you know how much I am on Facebook... I am always posting pictures or commenting on either peoples pictures and statuses, so I knew this would be difficult.  Well here I am two weeks later and I am still alive and doing just fine without Facebook!  Sometimes I think I would get so wrapped up in other peoples lives on Facebook that I didn't realize what I have right in front of me.  I see all these posts from other people about the things they are doing, what their kids are doing or the awesome things they are buying, accomplishing or planning.  Seriously, I would sometimes let it get to me and that is what pushed me the most to give it a break!  I have an amazing husband who busts his ass to provide for our family and while we may not get to spend as much time together as I would like I know that he is doing what is best for himself and for the boys and for that I am so grateful and appreciative.  I have two awesome boys who I get to do so many fun things with and I get to watch them grow and develop which is better than any material item money could ever buy.  And I have so many family members and friends that are always here to help me if needed.  Not living in the social world so much has allowed me to live in the real world a lot more and I love it.  I can't say that I even want to go back to living in a social world instead of living in the real world, never thought I would say that but happy I took on this challenge.   Also I still have my blog and Instagram so I can continue to share pictures which is all I really wanted to do anyways!!

I decided to continue to simplify a little more this month and I have turned off our central air.  That's right, no more air conditioning.  Frankie hates being hot when he sleeps and his allergies flare with the seasons as well so we usually have the air on from the first sign of 80 and it remains on well into the Fall but he is doing a lot of traveling lately so I decided when he is gone so is the central air.  The boys and I have survived 5 full days without air and it has been awesome.... having the windows open is one of my favorite things ever.  I love to hear the birds chirping, the neighbor kids playing and the rain falling on our deck.  Now of course this past weekend it got a little humid but the hottest it ever got in the house was 80 so I don't think that is too unbearable.... I grew up without central air so why does it seem so impossible to go without now?  I have to admit that we have been lucky as the temperatures drop at night cooling the house nicely for us to sleep.  Also with today being the coldest July 14th on record I actually had to close all the windows and bake some cookies to try to warm up the house a little.  The air will go back on when Frankie returns home but and when he leaves again we will be living the simpler life and going without central air.  Fresh air is good for us all and not running the air half the month will be nice on the pocket book I am sure too!   

Not sure I will continue to do challenges monthly like my crazy sister is doing however I am going to continue to find ways to simplify my life and enjoy the smaller things that are right in front of me and not worry so much about what others are doing or who might have something better than me (there is always more to a story that what appears on the outside anyways- the grass isn't always greener on the other side)!  I am grateful for everything I have, I love my simple life and my amazing family who I get to share it with!


  1. Love this post. I need to think on a5his and domore of this myself. I think the benefit of the family will be immeasurable. I think I will start right now. Starting tomorrow. I will only use my phone for mfp no games! Instagram is still ok and a few of the other apps but no moed games. They such. Y time anyway.

  2. Nice work! I really don't like FB, it is such a time sucker! I could never give up my IG though :)
    Small Doses of Social Media is okay just have to be careful not to get too caught up in it, it's hard.

  3. This is quite inspiring! In fact, after I read this a few days ago (from my phone, which is why I am not commenting until now), I found myself thinking more about the things I busy myself with each day that are not important. I tried giving up FB last year, but didn't make it very long, so major props to you. But regardless of the timeframe or what you give up, I think just your effort in recognizing the need to focus on other things is awesome.

    And yes, the grass is never really greener on the other's just an illusion. We are better off trying to make things in our existing lives better than wanting to be (like) other people.

  4. Good for you buddy! I swear the older I get the more I think the little things matter more than anything else.
