Monday, July 07, 2014

Happy Fourth of July

We spent the long holiday weekend at the lake with my parents and had a great time!  We took part in some of the campground festivities such as the bike parade, bingo, campground potluck as well as watched others participate in the greased watermelon football game and blind canoe races!  We also spent plenty of time playing in the water, going for pontoon rides around the lake, building campfires and makes smores and just laughing with friends.  It was a wonderfully relaxing weekend filled with many good memories.


  1. You guys are so patriotic! I don't think I wore anything red, white, or blue at all that day/weekend. :)

    Glad you had a super fun weekend! The second to last photo, of Mason on the beach, makes him look so much like Colton! And the boys staring at the turtle? Adorbs.

  2. What a fun way to celebrate the 4th!!
