Monday, August 04, 2014

Freeze Time

Lately I have really started to notice just how grown up boys are getting and I am not sure I like it.  I just want to freeze time and live with these two little boys just as they are.  Colton has become such an awesome kid, so independent and outgoing. He is old enough to do chores for me like taking out the garbage, feeding the dog, setting and clearing the table and helping his little brother with pretty much anything he needs. He is even learning to cut the grass but don't think we will get to take full advantage of that until next summer.  He also has friends calling him all the time (on my cellphone as we don't have a home phone) for play dates and sleepovers which is awesome as it gets him out and socializing with other kids and give me some one on one time with Mason.  Mason is at the perfect age and so much fun right now.  He can get himself ready to go (putting on shoes and getting himself in the car) which allows me free hands to carry whatever we need for our outing and saves me making several trips to the car.  He also is very helpful around the house (when he wants to be), he cleans up his toys, helps with the cooking and setting the table and loves to help with the laundry!  He has the best imagination and usually has me belly laughing with some of things he says or does.  We have sat the dinner table much longer than we should some nights just because I don't want to stop hearing the stories that my boys have to tell me and each other.

Both boys are awesome with entertaining themselves whether it is by playing with Legos together for hours while I clean or fighting zombies in the backyard while I work in the garden or cut the grass.  They also love to snuggle up on the couch together and watch cartoons.  They get along better than I could have hoped even though they are 4.5 years apart in age.  Of course they still have their fights and about half of those fights end with a wrestling match of some sort in which little brother almost always wins but at the end of the day they are best friends and never go to bed without saying their good nights to each other.  And let me tell you when a three year old says "Luv you big brother, Goodnight" it will melt your heart and make you realize you are doing alright in this adventure called parenting. 

I love that my boys are growing up and we have so many fun things ahead of us but sometimes I want to freeze time and enjoy this age for just a little longer.  I am so blessed to have these two boys in my life and I want to soak in every moment, adventure, smile, tear and snuggle that they are willing to share with me because I know life is always changing and soon enough they will have better things to do that hang out with Mommy!

1 comment:

  1. This is so sweet. Freezing moments in time would be an excellent gift, for sure.
