Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Out of State

About two years ago Frankie was asked to do a little traveling for his company and we were both excited about his new opportunity.  He has been busting his butt with his career and he has made quite the name for himself and I am as proud as ever.  The first trip was exciting, the boys and I brought him to the airport and counted down the days until we got to pick him up again.  The trips throughout the next year were very spread out and we managed them just fine.  Well lately he has taken on a new role within the company and he has been traveling a bit more.  Okay, a lot more.  I would be lying if I said it was easy or something I enjoy but it comes with the job I guess.  Some of recent trips have been 8 - 11 days which is a very long time to not have my parenting partner at home.  In the last 29 days he has been out of state for 21 of them!  We have been taking it day by day and I am so Thankful for all my family and friends who have kept me distracted while he is out of town, I don't know that I would survive all these trips without them.  It doesn't help that most of his trips are to the west coast so the time difference causes some problems, I am usually in bed before he if off work so we don't get to unwind and chat about our days like we do when he is at home. He has been pretty good about calling when he has some free time or sending little texts throughout the day but it just isn't the same.  The boys have adjusted to him being gone better than I could have hoped, they are just such easy going kids and adjust to change well but there are still nights when they ask when daddy is coming back or mornings when Mason says he doesn't want me but wants Daddy (as Frankie is the one who usually gets them up and off to daycare)!  When Frankie left home 8 days ago I gave him a long hug and tried hard to not cry but as he walked to the boys' room to give them hugs and say Goodbye the tears started to flow (this was a first because of his traveling), I wasn't ready to say good bye for that long again.  I tried to hold it together but couldn't any longer which I am sure didn't make it any easier for him to leave.  I am hoping the travel slows down sometime soon but right now we know there are more trips coming up (just don't know exactly when yet).  As I get ready to go to bed tonight for the last time alone for a couple days at least I am happy and relieved.  I can't wait to see him tomorrow and give him a hug and welcome him home and have my parenting partner back - single parenting can be very challenging sometimes!  

I have kept Frankie up to date on what is going on back home by sending pictures to him via text, here are a just a couple from this last week while he was out in Seattle.

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