Monday, November 03, 2014

Happy Halloween

We spent Halloween night at my parents, enjoying pumpkin shaped pizzas with the family and then trick or treating around the neighborhood!  The kids were excited to hang out together and as soon as we hit the street they were running from house to house... Mason leading the way!  However about half way around the circle was was exhausted and falling behind.  As him and I walked up to one house he rang the doorbell and then dropped down to his knees.  The man come out to give him candy and he just laid his head down on the concrete, that was it - he was done!  I held out his bucket to get his last piece of candy and then picked him up and daddy and I took turns carrying him the rest of the way home.  Once home the bigger kids headed to the haunted house down the street while Mason tested as many candy bars as he could, the kid loves his chocolate.  It was a fun (and cold) Halloween night, another one in the books!

Man I love these two cuties!  I would be lost without them.  Happy Halloween from me and my favorite little guys!

1 comment:

  1. Halloween definitely seems way more fun with kids. Glad you all had a great time! I just love that last picture of you and the boys. Especially Mason's smile. Lol. :)
