Friday, January 06, 2017

New Years 2017 To-Do's!

So I decided I wanted to make a list of "to-do" things for 2017!   This last year was a great one.  The divorce was finalized (not exactly something to celebrate but it was nice to have the paperwork all done), I closed on the house on my own, I paid off my van 6 months ahead of schedule, I traveled to Vegas, Clint moved in with us and so much more including lots of long weekend trips to fun places in MN like the North Shore, Cub Scout Camp and Voyager National Forest (twice cause we loved it so much).  So if 2017 is exactly like 2016 I wouldn't complain but I still felt like I should put together a list of things I hope to accomplish in 2017!

*  Get in Shape.  Isn't this always on my list?  I did let my health slide in the last year and gained 20 pounds so I plan to get rid of it as soon as possible :)  

*  Travel!  I want to travel.  I love to travel and explore new places and revisit favorite places.  We do have a week long trip to Dauphin Island planned but that is the only thing on the books for now, hoping to add a lot more!

*  Pay down debt.  I don't have a lot of debt besides one little credit care and the house so that is where I will focus my extra money (not like there is much of it).  I did have to take a new 30 year loan when I bought the house so the faster I can pay it down, the better!

*  Get back into Photography.  I got lazy this last year and just used my phone to take pictures which got the job done but when I went to print new pictures of the walls I didn't have as many "high quality" pictures to pick from that I would have preferred. 

*  Organize the house.  I swear this is a never ending project!  Just when I think I have it all done it seems to get all cluttered all over again. And with Clint moving in just before Christmas we just kind of "put" his stuff where ever it fit so now I need to go through and get everything organized again.

* Landscaping.  I made great progress on the yard last year.  I got all the landscaping in the front yard done and it looked fabulous.  Now this year I want to focus on the backyard, I want that backyard oasis!

* Run a 10K.  This was on my list for 2016 but it never happened.  Remember when I said I let myself slide, well that included my running routine but I am gonna get back to it in 2017 and I will run a 10K and run it under 65 minutes (I know that isn't a record pace by any means but I am not a fast runner and I have come to the conclusion that I never will be)!

* Disconnect.  I feel like I am always checking my phone.  I feel a constant need to see if anyone posted a new picture to Instagram or if someone updated their Facebook status.  I feel very out of the loop if I don't check it for a day or two.  So my goal is get away from social media and live more in the real world.  I am gonna start with stepping back from Facebook.  I can't delete it completely as I use it to communicate with cub scout parents, baseball parents, plan play dates for Mason and plan family events or coordinate girls weekend.   But I am going to stop posting so much on Facebook.  Not everyone in the world needs to know my life.  I will still post pictures on Instagram, cause well I love taking photos and I need to put them somewhere.   My goal is get back to blogging a lot more.  That way the 4-5 people who have any interest in my life can follow along and everyone else can just get caught up when they see me in person (what a concept, people catch up on life when they get together instead of staying connected through the virtual world)!

Here's to a fabulous 2017 full of fun, laughter, adventures and good health!  I can't wait to see what this year has in store for me and the boys.  Bring it on 2017!


  1. After the election, I took a break from Facebook and it was fantastic. I'm back on there, but feel like I'm not mindlessly scrolling anymore. Actually, I use it mostly to connect with other photographers.

  2. Looks like a great and ambitious list! Hoping 2017 is super fabulous to you.
