Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Great Weekend!

I had one of the best weekends that I have had in a long time. Saturday night I got together with some of my best friends for a sleepover. We played Pictionary, which I really suck at, drank some wine and Daquiries and took lots of drunken pics!

Then on Sunday we woke up to the biggest snow amounts of the year. After digging our cars out and finally making it home Colton, Frankie and I went outside to play in the snow. Frankie of course did some snowmobiling and Colton and I made a snowman. The snow wasn't very sticky but it worked. We had so much fun, and now the weatherman is saying that we could pick up an additional 4-6 inches tomorrow and Thursday and I couldn't be more excited. I love snow, it makes everything look so pretty. Well I hope everyone else had as good of a weekend as I did. Keep praying for snow, we have a lot to make up we are way behind this year for snow amounts!!


  1. That was pretty much a perfect weekend, with the exception of my severe wine hangover...

    We are doing girls night more often! And we must finish Loaded Questions next time!

  2. I had so much fun on Saturday night Mandy. And guess what, on Monday I got new tires! I figured you would be happy to hear that.

    Colton looks sooooo cute in his little snowsuit. What a little darling.

  3. I had a blast...we definitely need to do that more often! My house is always available - speaking of, Corey is going to be out of town the next two weekends!
