Thursday, August 06, 2009

Completely worn out!!

I think the busy lifestyle that we have gotten used to this summer has finally caught up with Colton! I picked him up from school today, we came home turned on some Tom and Jerry and sat on the couch to relax a bit! I went into the kitchen to get dinner going and within 10 minutes he was out cold! He never falls asleep on the couch so I think he must have just been plain old worn out!

Also as an effort to get in better shape Colton and I have been going for long walks every night! We leave about 10 minutes after dinner and we walk for about an hour sometimes an hour and a half! Of course we have to make a stop at a park to play for a little bit! It is a great chance for me and Colton to just talk and hang out and a good way for both of us to burn off all the extra energy and stress from the day and let me tell you we both pass out pretty quick when our heads hit the pillow!


  1. Ahhhhh, so cute! It's so good that you guys take walks like that, too many kids spend all their time inside now a days. I sound like a Grandma, ha ha.
    As soon as all your wedding crazyness is over we will get together and go to the splash park or zoo or whatever. The Teddy Bear Band plays at the splash park on the 20th at 12pm.
    Have a GREAT weekend!

  2. Walks are a great idea! He'll probably remember them when he's all grown up because it's such a bonding thing for him!

  3. Those walks sound like such lovely mommy and colton time, it's so great that you do that.
