Sunday, August 09, 2009

My Little Outdoorsman!

Colton and I spent the weekend at the lake and despite all the rain and storms we had a great time! It was quite the wild life adventure over the past 2 days. Our Saturday morning started with a long walk jumping in every puddle along the way (it had stormed overnight)! Colton even pretended to be a Tree Frog on a fallen tree along our walk.
Then later that morning when the morning storm passed we decided it was time to go swimming when Colton spotted a frog!! Sharon (our campground neighbor) helped him catch it and then Colton and his new friend Skylar built the frog a new fort and even took it down the water slide a time or two. After about 20 minutes playing with frog they decided it was time to let him go!
Later that afternoon we decided to try our hand at fishing. Colton caught his first fish (all by himself)! He was so excited and so very proud! Of course we were only catching tiny little sunfish off the end of the dock but to Colton this was the best adventure ever!
After dinner Saturday our new campground friend Chippy came around and we got to watch him eat peanuts, corn on the cob and even my homemade Sugar Cookies! Colton thought it was so cool to see a little chipmunk so close to us... he would come within 3 feet of us. My dad says you can get him to eat of your hand but Colton was too loud so the little guy kept a little bit of a distance!
This morning Colton and I decided to do a little more fishing before we headed home. We caught a couple more little sunfish and then we caught a Bass! Colton was so excited to catch a different kind of fish, we had to run all the way up to the camper to show GamGam and PopPop!!
We had a great time this weekend, despite the rain and severe storms in the middle of the night last night (which of course never did hit us even though we were in the direct line of the storm). Here are two Videos from this weekend, hope you enjoy!


  1. That looks like so much fun! I'm jealous of all the little adventures you've taken this summer!

  2. You have quite an adorable tree frog! Looks like a fun filled weekend!

  3. Very nice fish Colton!! Looks like your grandpa and dad have themselves a new fishing buddy....
