Tuesday, November 16, 2010

First Snowfall and Monster Jam

Saturday morning I woke up to Colton yelling "There is snow in the backyard and the front yard and it is not melting"! Then he ran back up stairs to let the dog out and look at the snow again, came back to my bedroom and yelled "Mom, can you please get up, get me dressed, feed me lunch and then let me go play in the snow?". Mind you it was about 8:15 in the morning. He was very excited for this years first snow fall and after about an hour out playing in it he was just as ready to come back in and enjoy a mug of hot chocolate and some brownie cookies!!
Saturday night we brave the roads (which were pretty good actually) and headed downtown for our annual Monster Jam show and we had a blast! Grave Digger of course won it all that night - which made Colton the happiest kid ever (unlike last year)!! Here are just a few pics from the night!


  1. I can't wait until Kellen realizes what this white stuff on the ground is and wants to play in it! Such fun being a kid and playing in the snow :)
    And, I'm very intrigued...brownie cookies???

  2. I don't know how you would make the brownie cookes, I bought them at the Cub for my Jewelery Party which then got cancelled due to the snow storm so Colton and I (mostly Colton) ate the entire package ourselves!! They are delicious!

  3. Ummm... brownie cookies from Cub are pretty much the bomb. Yum.

    Your kid is so hilarious Mandy, what a character, waking you up and asking for lunch so he can go play in the snow? Kids are such a joy, they really make you appreciate even the littlest stuff, right?

  4. Lol, Mandy - Colton is so funny! What a darling kid. I wish I had so much enthusiasm and found so much joy in the simple things in life. Sigh - to be a kid again...
