Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Recap of 2015

At the beginning of 2015 I wrote a post with some things I wanted to accomplish throughout the year.  Here is the post if you missed it and are dying to read it:  Goals for 2015

I thought it might be fun to go back and see if I was able to accomplish any of the items on my list!

*  Weight!  Ha, don't we all have this as a goal every year!  I did not hit my goal weight however I was able to maintain the weight I was at which honestly is just fine with me too!  I do not have a washboard stomach but I do feel comfortable in a bikini again and I don't hate clothes shopping as much as I used to so I am happy!

*  Staying Healthy.  My goal was to run a couple 5k's and eventually work my way up to a 10k.   Well I never did get that 10k done in 2015 however I did run several other races.  Colton and I did the Color Run race with my sister in law and nephews. I ran the Coco's Heart Doggie Day 5K, ran a 5K while on vacation in San Diego and ended with the Hale to the Bird 5k on Thanksgiving morning.  So 4 races in 2015, I am happy with that and hope to keep it up in 2016!

* Disconnect more!  Yah, that didn't really happen.  I am addicted to my phone and feel lost without it but will continue to try to disconnect and just enjoy the moments more this next year!

* Camping.  We accomplished this one!  The boys and I went camping (tent camping) at Itasca State Park in September.  They loved it so I know I plan to do plenty more of these kinds of getaways!  My sister got us a Minnesota State Park Passport book for Christmas, every time you visit a State Park you get a stamp to prove you were there and then you can fill in the dates and things that you did on your visit!  I am excited for us to starting filling up our passport this next year!

* Get organized!  Well I did plenty of this in 2015 but still plenty to do in our home.  I swear it is a long process but we are taking it one room at a time!

* Photos!  Yup, didnt happen! I still havent made Mason's Photo books!  I really need to get going on this but at this point I am 5 years behind so it seems very overwhelming!

*  Travel.  I had a great year of travel.  We went to Dauphin Island, New Orleans, Las Vegas, San Diego and attended We Fest for the first time which I will consider as travel as it was an amazing weekend!!

* Landscaping.  I did get a lot of work done in the yard this year, mostly the backyard.  I am hoping to finish it up in 2016.

* Accept my life!  I think I did a great job of this in 2015!  When the year started I didn't feel like I had any control over anything.  But now as I get ready to say goodbye to this year I feel like I am exactly where I am supposed to be in life.  We are all on a path through life and while we might think we are in the drivers seat we are not, life takes unexpected turns and sometimes hit dead ends but if we are able to hold on tight and endure the ride we find out that the road takes us to exactly where we needed to be.   I have such amazing friends, a family that I know will always be there for me and two boys who I swear are the the best things that have ever happened to me.  I have accepted the changes in my life, I am okay with what is happening and to be honest I am looking forward to the divorce being finalized and the closing date on the mortgage so I can put all this paperwork and stress behind me and I can truly just move on with the future and enjoy the rest of the ride! 

Good Bye 2015.  You were a year of great pain, lots of tears, plenty of confusion, lots of fun, so many moments of laughter, amazing new adventures and you brought some new people into my life who I am excited to go into 2016 with.  This is not a year I will look back on with hate but I year I will look back at and say "I got through it, life is good and I have plenty of life to live so bring it on"!


  1. I am so proud of my #1 daughter. You are doing everything right, and you are the best Mom to those two beautiful boys. Everything will turn out for the best because you are a strong, loving, and kind hearted woman.

  2. I am so proud of my #1 daughter. You are doing everything right, and you are the best Mom to those two beautiful boys. Everything will turn out for the best because you are a strong, loving, and kind hearted woman.
