Tuesday, January 06, 2015

A few things for 2015

I am not one to make New Years Resolutions because I know I would give up about a week in anyways.  So this year I have decided to make some 2015 goals and challenges instead.  I am hoping to revisit this post 12 months from now and be able to say that I accomplished most of these goals.  Here are few things I would like to do in 2015:

* Like everyone, I have a goal that has to do with my weight (yes I had to have one common New Years resolution I guess).   I hope to hit my goal weight of 145 (only 10 pounds to go) and finally have that washboard stomach that I have dreamed up ever since my second child made his grand exit and left me a lot of work to do.  I am back in a two piece swim suit already but still have some toning to do to really feel like I can rock it with confidence like a 33 year mama of two!!

* Staying with the being active and staying healthy goals, I have been challenged to run my first 10k race this summer, so hoping I can not only complete it but would really like to complete it in 1 hr and 10 minutes or less.  I realize that is quite a stretch for me as I can barely run a 5k in 35 minutes but I have plenty of room to improve before race day.

*  Disconnect More.  I catch myself getting wrapped up in my phone more than I should so I have made it a goal to put my phone away in the evenings when I am hanging with my boys.  Also we have decided that Wednesday nights are now game night for the the boys and I, as soon as dinner dishes are done we will pick a couple board games and spend an hour or two playing together (if they last that long which I am guessing they will as my boys love to play board games).  I know my boys will not be with me forever, they are gonna grow up faster than I want them to so I need to make the most of these years and not spend so much time in the virtual world (I can do that once they are in bed or go off to college)!

* I would like to do some camping, real camping, this summer!  I have already started researching a few Minnesota State Parks that I want to check out and I have a friend who is ready to do some tent camping, fire cooking and state park exploring with me and the boys.  My goal is to camp in at least two different State Parks this summer, I would like to see a lot more however summer fills up fast and we course plan to spend plenty of weekends at the lake with the grandparents as well (can't give up those weekend, they are way too much fun).

* Get Organized.  I was already getting a good start on this the end of 2014 but still plenty of work to do in our house.  We still have closets, drawers, cupboards and entertainment centers that need to be organized.  I plan to purge more as just have way too much "stuff" that we don't need or use anymore.  I hope to have a garage sale in the Spring to get rid of a lot of stuff and then use some of the money to organize our house and maybe even purchase a new item or two (I have my eye on an amazing entertainment unit for my living room, complete with fireplace)!  

* Update Photos!  As you all know I am obsessed with taking photos however they don't always go anywhere but my onto my computer.  Again in the end of 2014 I started to update photos in the house, we will finally have pictures of Mason hanging on our walls.  But I have plenty of work to do still, I made Colton photo books for every year of his life from Newborn to 5 years.  Mason has nothing!  My goal for 2015 is get his books caught up to his age, I cannot let him suffer from second child syndrome cause I know he will never let me forget it.

* I hope to travel a little too.  Already working on planning a girls weekend in Vegas!  Bring on sleeping in, afternoons lounging beside the pool and living the night life with the girls who have always been there for me (especially in the last couple months)!  

* Landscaping. I would like to finish the landscaping along the front of my house, we got half way but never finished it.  And my big goal for this summer is to turn my backyard into the oasis I know it has the potential to be. We built the deck just over a year ago which I love to just sit out on in the evenings but I want the rest of the yard to be just as inviting.  I want to plant some amazing perennial flower gardens along the privacy fence, I want to do some landscaping along the back of the house and I hope to put more additional bird feeders and maybe even a bird bath out there because the boys and I love to watch all the birds in our backyard.

* Lastly I plan to accept the life I have been given, it might not be perfect but it is pretty damn good!  I need to realize that I cannot control everything but I can make the most of every situation.  I hope to live more "in the moment" and not worry so much about the future.  I have bills to pay, plenty of stresses and moments that I don't know if I can do it anymore but such is life, I know I am not alone with these problems in life.  Time to just let life run its course and enjoy the ride!

Here's to an amazing 2015 with plenty of adventures, laughter, life and love with those who mean the most to me!


  1. These are great goals!! Many of them I'd like to take mental note for myself as well. Hope you don't mind a copycat.

    Wishing you an amazing 2015 friend!
