Sunday, April 17, 2011

It's Bathtime Little Brother

Colton loves to help with his little brother! Recently he decided he wanted to give Mason a bath so I let him do it and I took pictures instead! Colton wasn't very quick about it but Mason didn't seem to care at all, he was talking and smiling at his big brother the entire time. At the end of the bath I finished up and rinsed Mason off and Colton said it was his turn to take pictures of us (is he his is momma's kid or what?)!! I love my boys. Tomorrow I have to go back to work and I am not sure how I am going to survive but I will do my best!


  1. Your two boys are adorable!!

  2. I love the picture where Mason is looking right at Colton. And you look so darned skinny! Wow.

  3. Thank you Suzi! I am really trying to drop some weight (I never lost it after Colton so I am trying to do things differently this time) and let me tell you breastfeeding is helping a ton!!
