Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Playing is hard work!

Saturday morning Mason was fighting his nap (which is something he seems to do a lot lately) so I decided to give his Jumperoo a try for a little while.  He has not been in that thing for months as he would much rather be on the loose, crawling around getting into trouble!  But to my surprise he was excited to be in there so I took full advantage and jumped in the shower while he was contained and safe.  I could hear him jumping and screaming while I was in the shower so I knew he was doing just fine.  I started to shampoo my hair and I realized he was silent, I waited a moment and still heard nothing.  I immediately became nervous... what happened, did he get out?  I ran out of the shower skipping the towel, leaving footprints all the way and with shampoo in my hair to see what happened.  I burst into his room to find this.... 
Well now why didn't he just go to sleep while I was rocking him?  I knew he was tired!  Crazy kid I tell you!


  1. Haha, that is too cute! You'll have to remember that the next time he won't go to sleep. :)

  2. Oh my goodness! How funny :)
